Today is another interesting day for me. Yesterday, I was talked about opening myself up to my friends. Somehow, the things I experienced today supported that view. I don’t know if it’s coincident, or heaven is really telling me that I should change.
I listened to the radio when I was on my way to school. There is this program in 93.8FM called the “Slice of Life”. The person said something like this,
“In life, different people will board different trains to go towards a different destination. There are trains that go towards wealth, corporate ladder, adventurous experience, etc. As the train moves, the windows start to be clouded with different things. As one moves towards the destination, he might be unaware to how he has changed.
Regardless of how far you have gone, it still boils down to what is inside the heart when all else are gone. It is true because at the end of the day, you won’t take anything with you when you leave. The important thing lies within how you treat people. If you have created a wall during the journey, then you might miss out the goodness in life. Be receptive to others and learn to treat others truly. Learn to accept the differences between people.”
Well, I couldn’t reproduce what I have heard. I am not a recording machine, but that’s the main idea of what the person said. Really coincidence hmm.
Lets talk about something happy J. I received back my written essays for 2 of my modules. It’s a pleasant surprise. I am very satisfied with one of my essay, but slightly disappointed with the other (good grades though). But I have to be contented hee. I would like to share this happiness with all who read this blog.
Today is also the last tutorial session for my General Elective: Understanding Learning and Knowledge Construction. I have always liked the tutorial sessions because they are very interactive and entertaining. I would refer these tutorial sessions as mental therapy for me. There is this activity that required us to write on a piece of paper what gifts we would like to give to a friend if we are angels. The writer remained anonymous. Then these papers would be given back to the person. The writer would still remain unknown. It is kinda interesting to know what I have received. It goes something like this.
“May you always be like the sun shining brightly and become an extrovert. ‘A’ for exams J”
Again, as you can see, coincidence again? “Become an extrovert”. Sometimes things are just not explainable. This is not the only situation for me. There are others matters too. My good friend M would know it very well J.
As for the lesson, it ended as a sad parting session. This is one lesson and class that I truly feel connected to. I am very grateful to the tutor as well. I would recommend my Ntu friends to try a module from NIE (National Institute of Education). From there, you will see what is the difference in teaching styles. Being strong in academic alone does not get you anywhere. Proven.
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