I have completed that suikoden 3. Finally. Then I quickly started another one hoping to finish it before school starts. Chance seems slim but i'll try.
Anyway, I have prepared the things i need for tomorrow. I wanna take picture with adam frey!! Don't care haha must catch him before he go. And make him sign my program booklet. oh ya!! must bring it. hmm maybe don't need him to sign bah. Haha i sound a bit crazy.
I went to shop for something in the evening. I got what I wanted. That was bugis that I went. Then i came back to toa payoh and window shop one round again. I find that I always let my subconcious take over my body. Somehow, after a while, my mind starts to go into the state of "don't know whats happening". It happens during my exams as well. I wonder if theres any medical explaination for this phenomenum.
Slice of Life
Life Management Skills
Most of us lead increasingly stressful lives. This world is moving fast and none of us wants to get left behind. So we nearly break our backs trying to achieve the things we think will make us happier. But the demands of modern life often leave us feeling dragged out and inadequate.
Does this sound familiar? "Life just seems to be whizzing past. I don't feel as though I'm spending enough quality time on the things that matter most to me. I worry a lot that I'm going to somehow miss my life and then it will be over."
This is a very common anxiety. Too often, we spend so much of our lives hopping on and off trains that we don't even think about whether we would be happier simply taking a walk and breathing in Nature instead.
So how can we ensure that those things of greatest importance to us get the amount of attention they deserve?
First, identify the top four priority categories in your life. For most of us, these are spirituality and personal development, family and relationships, career, and personal care and health. Honestly assess how much time you give to each category.
Do you devote 80% of your time to work and expect your family life to be rich and rewarding? Do you spend only 10% of your time caring for your health and wonder why you're ill so often? Do you dedicate 70% of your time to your family and are upset that your career isn't exactly taking off?
Something has to give. We can't all be corporate superstars, fantastic parents, wonderful spouses, devoted friends, and joyful and healthy individuals. Well, some of us appear to be but we often don't see the areas where they're lacking. Identify your priorities and give yourself credit for growth in those areas.
Practice being in the present moment only. Worrying on Saturday about that application you can only send in on Monday is pointless. Worrying takes precious time and attention away from your priorities and increases your feelings of dissatisfaction about life.
Be patient and loving with yourself. Always remember, life is an ongoing process and it will throw you curve balls from time to time. But with practice, you will find coming back to equilibrium gets quicker and easier.
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