Next sem, I'm able to put more time into study. My teacher doesn't require me to go down to teach band because I'm not able to commit fully to it. I agree to it actually. Its better for him to get one permanent one for this crucial period because band competition is coming. And its my final sem. No more happy-go-lucky attitude. I shall put those into the toilet bowl and wash them away.
Today is the last day for my current job (assignment). Its gives me a feeling similar to one that I would experience when i finish watching a drama series. Grateful to those accountants who helped me find so many things. I'm such a pest actually.
Sometimes, I do have an urge to want to talk to someone haa. But also donno what to talk. wierd. I think i talk to my dog lah. No need to think of topics haa.
Night Jap drama, last episode. Its a great show. Although the bad was bad, but in the end, I pity for him. The good has remained good always, and I admire the good spirit. Am I nearer to good or the bad one?
Slice of Life
How We Deal With Mistakes
Human beings are imperfect. We are fallible. No matter how hard we try, how wise and experienced we are, or how often we practise, no one can escape the fact that sometimes, we fail. We all make mistakes. What sets the winners from the losers is how they handle setbacks. Do we get upset? Do we go into denial? Do we make ourselves feel so bad that it becomes harder and harder to leave the ground each time we fall?
Mistakes are not necessarily bad, meaningless or useless. They are a crucial element in our path of knowledge and improvement. The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you grow, and the more likely you'll be able to shine brighter in future.
When you were a young growing child, how were you supposed to know the oven was hot? Or that when you say something impolite you'll hurt someone's feelings? If you make a mistake, at least you made a valiant attempt. At least you wouldn't be stuck in that limbo of not knowing whether you would succeed or not.
Very often, we take mistakes far too seriously. So you made a mistake, so what? The world keeps turning, and the bugs keep biting. It's not a question of "I made a mistake, I'm so sorry, I was such a fool". Rather, it's a question of "Ok, I messed up. What am I going to do about it? How can I avoid making the same mistake again?"
The best leaders out there are the ones who made the most mistakes but learnt from them. The ones that never discovered or acknowledged their faux pas never made it into the business world and never made a difference in their own life, or the world.
We all fail. But only a handful truly learn from their mistakes. And these are the ones who will eventually go on to achieve great success and wisdom.
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