I dread festivals, especially today. Ok i made a mistake. I should have dressed as lousily as possible. I'm bothered by it, yes. I just hope today pass soon. 6 hrs more to go. Each sec is a pain. Damn.
One thing I'm impressed is that someone actually asked for flowers to be delivered to a lecture hall. Does that count as romantic? Buying big flowers mean romantic? Ya, I'm being wierd, so please ignore me. If I have the money, I'll fly off to another country during festive seasons so that no one would know me there.
I'm pathetic, I know. I need to someone to preach to me that mankind can survive without love. Fei Yu Qing.... how did you do it?
A balanced world- when there are happy people, there are bound to be some who are sad.
Its true that this year will be my bad year. I can feel that my anger is building up day by day. Well, its my temper, getting worst. I can feel it but I can't control it. I think my friends would suffer one day. That day will be the day where things will go upside down again. When would it be? I would rather have my health collapse than to have that day to come.
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