As usual, books, books, books argh. Finally half the module completed. 3 more days of such life. and 1 day of turmoil on next wed, and pain will be over soon. Today I have started to play another RPG (role playing game) on my PS2. I am starting to fantasize about my holiday life already. I have to plan the games and series that I want to complete during the holidays hee. Its just a short 1.5 months, so I want to make it as efficient as possible hee.
While I was studying, my mind started to wonder around again. My past started to float in front of me once more. What a pain, what a joy. I have this wild thoughts in my mind," Should I write a story in my blog?" I haven't have that answer yet. No time lah. haha. My language ability sux too. See how loh.
Its kinda confusing being a human actually. Have you guys think about this before? When we are busy, we complain that we don't have time. When we are free, we complain that we have nothing to do. When we have someone to care for, we complain that the person is pretty annoying. When we lose that person, we complain why isn't that person there now. I guess its hard for a human to be content. Therefore, I always urge people to look at what they have, and be contented with it. No point thinking too much about what you have lost and what you don't have. There are things you have where others don't.
Although I can say those things, but its hard for myself to think that way hee. Life.
Slice of Life
Self Esteem Part 4
"Stop judging and start accepting. You are not to blame for everything that goes wrong. Throw out the "should"s in your mind - "I should be skinnier", "I should be more good-looking", "I should be smarter", "I should be richer". You can aspire towards something, but don't let it become a pre-requisite for accepting yourself. Be happy with who you are and what you do.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good. But do it for yourself, not because you feel someone would prefer you some other way, or because you want to feel loved and accepted by others. There are however, some aspects of your appearance you can change, and others which you can't. Don't burden your peace of mind by fretting over the things you can't do anything about. Good looks are an asset, but they are by no means the most important thing.
What's more essential is how you treat other people, how you treat yourself, your other talents, your patience, your compassion, your ability to appreciate simple things and the contributions you make to family, friends, and society.
Self-esteem is how happy and satisfied you are with yourself and your life. So give your self-esteem a boost by realising how blessed you really are. It will be less easy for someone to hurt or upset you if you know just how many things you can be thankful for - a comfortable home, a loving family, good friends, the knowledge you've acquired… even simple things like your ability to pursue the hobbies you enjoy, the warmth of a fair day, a soft bed to sleep in, your ability to enjoy a good book or a good song, enough money to occasionally indulge yourself in little pleasures.
I'm sure if you take a moment to ponder, you'll find many other things that temper your life with richness and meaning. So, so what if you're not one of the more good-looking, wealthy, popular, or intelligent people around? Stop feeling sorry for yourself!
Every one of us has a gift for something. It may not always be clear to us, and it may not be something worthy of canonisation, but our gifts are strengths we should appreciate and develop. Capitalise on what you do well, be it your ability to make people laugh, your creativity, your affinity to animals, your ability to appreciate music, your leadership aptitude, your linguistic abilities, or your culinary skills. Let it be your source of inspiration."
Well kinda inspiring words from the Slice of Life isn't it? At the end of the Self Esteem series, I would have something to add on that would help my friends even further.
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