Monday, April 18, 2005


I got the taste of a hideous exam paper today. Its those kind that you won't confirm do well even if you have all the knowledge in your head. The questions are just so uncertain and so open to creativity. I just feel sucky about this paper. Like what i told my friends, "luckily i'm not in Banking and Finance". And, its not my core subject, so i don't need to pass it. But i think i'll pass, just that don't know how badly i'll do.

When I reach home, I have to deal with another module's progress for revision. Come to think of it, my english writing standard has fallen again. I can't even write straight sentences during the exam. Most of the answers are in point form. Thats sucky.

I hate afternoon papers cuz when you reach home, theres nothing much you can do other than wait to sleep. Thats = wasting time. I hate that. I won't be able to talk another absurb paper. I hope thursday one is alot better. Open book exams sux. How to get the best result? Sian.

Slice of life

We've all heard it before - "change is inevitable", right? Change is necessary for growth, for progress, for renewal. Yet so many of us hate change. We're afraid of it. Change implies that you have to move into unknown territory.

Think of the conversations you don't have, the people you don't let yourself meet, the business or life decisions you make in order to avoid discomfort, rejection or humiliation. The thing that most people are afraid of is the unknown. Most people gravitate to what they already know and then complain about how boring life is or how nothing ever really changes. Many choose the same course of action repeatedly even though it has proven not to bring the results they crave.

When we do this, we reinforce an old identity formed by our past, even if that identity is painful. If we were taught that we couldn't have what we want, we continue to live in accordance with that old belief, that old self-identity. We're unable to explore and open up to more of who we really are as human beings. In an economic sense, it means that we don't take calculated and informed risks. Fear stifles exploration on many fronts.

But the fear of change is irrational. As you already know, change is inevitable. It's a basic tenet of life - without change, the world would cease, life would end. There would be no point to existence. We are all meant to change, to move out of our known spheres and experience the diversity of life. This is the only way to grow, to become the optimal human being.

Life is richer when we learn to walk into the unknown. When we learn to do this, we build our personal power - the power to make changes, not simply respond to them. Of course, this means that we have to be prepared for failure, rejection or embarrassment. Why do we let these terms scare us? Will they kill us or impair us in some permanent way? No! Successful people have learnt that failure and rejection are nothing. They bounce right off their thick skins! What are failure and rejection compared to gaining new wisdom, experiencing new adventures, making new friends, and achieving even greater success and happiness?

People often view the unknown as holding negatives and upsets. So they keep away from it. As a result, they never find out that the unknown can also be rich, exhilarating and creative. So if you want to move forward in your life, begin by choosing to challenge yourself in an area of your life in which you would like to see change. Notice what stops you from moving forward, anything that derails your commitment. Find the support needed to navigate the new territory and this means: don't be afraid or shy to ask for help. Not knowing is perfectly natural; not asking means you're fearful.


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