I have 3 days to spend for additional revision. Today is suppose to be for tax, but i spent most part of the day watching VCDs. How many? hmm 4 discs. What else did i do? I went for a swim. Now my back is totally red. I like the sun when I'm in water, not when i'm above water. When I'm outside walking, the sun might just melt me. How far did I swim?? haha. I really miss the feeling of being free in the water. Its like going into a world of little gravity. Come to think of it, haha i really like swimming too. I swam 2km. Thats 20 times to and fro, half each time. Enjoyed the tiredness after that.
Today i really watched many shows. In the morning, I finished one Hongkong series, then at night another one on tv. damn nice.
Today is the only few days that my body could be alive throughout the day haha. I feel that I could fly hahaa. Just joking.
Slice of life
Life Balance
Being busy is often misconceived as making progress. In a society that demands high standards, emphasizes deadlines, and extols financial and academic value, it can be a struggle just to avoid getting left behind. Have you given serious thought as to why you do what you do? Is your life intentionally hectic for the wrong reasons?
A common mistake that most people make is not allowing for a balanced life-style. Remember, one's overall health and wellness require attention to six important life areas:
Physical (exercise, nutrition, sleep)
Intellectual (cultural, aesthetic values)
Social (intimate and social relationships)
Emotional (_expression of feelings, desires)
Spiritual (quest for meaning)
Career (career goal directed work)
There is no magic percentage formula for these areas, but if you neglect one entirely, you may be ignoring an important part of yourself. For example, if you set aside time for exercise you will improve your overall functioning and better manage your stress. If you take time for your intellectual growth, you will gain new perspectives on life, experience different pleasures, and be better able to focus on your goals.
Are you a morning person, a night owl, or a late afternoon whiz? Knowing when your best time is and planning to use that portion of the day for your priorities is effective time management.
Procrastination creates time bombs that will send your life crashing down later. So, when avoiding something because you dread the task, break it into smaller bits and do just one of those smaller tasks. If this is not possible, set a timer and work on that biggie for just 15 minutes. By doing a little at a time, eventually you will reach a point where you'll want to finish it once and for all.
Gaining control over your business and personal life means gaining control over your calendar. Eliminate the trivial tasks or those that do not lead to your long-term goals. Focus your efforts where they count. Managing your time requires an understanding of where your time is going, outlining your priorities, and defining a time budget and plan, even if it means changing some behaviour and monitoring the results.
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