Last night, just when i thought i was a goner, I heard the vibration sound of my handphone. Someone sent me a msg. Just a bit surprised with the msg. And come to think of it, my battle with the fever seemed to have ended at 2am.
Even though I'm having a bad flu, I had to go to school for a meeting with our FYP tutor. It was truly a heartening sight when we found out that he is indeed a kind and friendly professor. He is patient as well. He recommended us to look into one of the topic he is doing, and also one of the topics that we have suggested. I'm quite interested in the one he suggested. Come to think of it, my life is quite affiliated with legal stuffs haha. Gotta read alot of things on Law.
I guess I only have energy to type until here.
Slice of Life
Designing a Life You Need
Do you have pre-requisites you set up for yourself, things that have to happen first before you'll be happy? For many of us, it's a way of life. We live always in expectation of that next big thing that's going to make it all complete. The diploma. The marriage. That new big job.
Remember that first paycheck in your first "real" job? It seemed like so much money! How long did it take before that same check, newly strained by the rent on the bigger apartment, that car payment, or your new lifestyle, all of a sudden didn't look so big? If you're like most of us, not long, and suddenly, you found yourself thinking, when I make more money, then things will be really great.
It's really easy to get caught up in not having enough when you focus on externals. Someone once said "You can never get enough of what you don't really need."
It's the perfect explanation for people who must always have the latest gadget, or just another pair of shoes, or the biggest house. Why can that need never be satisfied? If your life is focused on fulfilling these so-called "needs", then you'll never be really happy.
The next time you think you "need" something, think about why you need it. And think about how you will feel when you get it. How long does the pleasure last? For example, the latest gadget that has everything in it, 80% of which you will probably never use more than once. What else can you do with the money that will bring you more satisfaction? More joy that lasts? Nurturing a relationship perhaps? Buying gifts for your loved ones?
You must understand what drives you to be liberated from it and to start to design your life to fit your needs. Learning to identify your true wants and desires will make you much more effective in achieving your goals and in setting up a life that works for you.
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