Mum and dad so nice today. Bought so much cereals for me. So many different types! I think its 1 mth supply of cereals. Faint!! They always overdo things. haha.
game games gamesssss. 4 weeks more to play. I guess I'm too playful for my age haha but no one knows. I always look so black and dull. That, I don't mind. What for change myself to let people see? If I'm happy, then I'm happy. Don't have to be happy when i don't feel like it. Ha. Am I the New age guy? Hmm or Am I the old age type haha. Who cares. I like my life muhahaa.
At night band. They going to have election tomorrow. I'm going to reject everything if they try and saboh me. I purposely be so unfriendly and unsociable there so that people won't notice me. I really don't like that place anymore. Most prob I'm going to run away and change to a place thats friendlier. Somewhere where the people are of my age, and somewhere I can really enjoy. And perhaps have more friends that understands me. Ha.
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