Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Woke up so early again. I just notice that I have to wake up at 5am for 4 times a week. Killer.

I waited so long for my afternoon class and the tutor told us its not on cuz there are too few people around. One of my friends actually talked to the tutor regarding his unhappiness with the registration on the Education Studies Minor. I guess it really cocks up ha. We year 3s have only 1 year left to complete the minor but so many of the year 2s are hogging the last 2 modules. Most of my friends who had completed the previous 3 modules can't get in. See how frustrated they are? I'm the lucky one cuz i am already registered for the last 2 modules this sem. I will be certified!!! Minor in Educational Studies, Major Accounts...... hmm what a crap combi. Whatever.

I am glad to find out today that I have a genius in my group for my group assignment. I won't need to be so worried now ha. I have 2 project groups with the same genius. Ha. Great!

A conversation with my friend made me did some thinking regarding my professional attachment during this december holidays. I hate to write resume and cover letter. Nevertheless, I'll try to crap something out. Someday...

Slice of Life

Remembering Names

We've all faced this problem - you bump into a familiar face, but try as you might, you simply can't remember his name. Oh the awkward moment, the blank look in your eyes, the expectant smile on the other person's face.

Is this problem keeping you from networking successfully? Some of us admittedly have poorer memory capability for faces and names, but if it happens often enough, surely it's time to see if something can be done.
Today, let's talk about some simple tips for helping you remember names when you meet people.

What's the most fundamental rule when it comes to remembering something?


But simply repeating the person's name after you've parted is not quite as effective as repeating it during the encounter. So when you're first introduced to someone, use their names several times when you talk to them. "Hi, Kok Kiong, nice to meet you. So, what do you do for a living, Kok Kiong? Do you have any kids, Kok Kiong? Kok Kiong, it was great to meet you!"

If you don't catch the name when it's originally told to you, don't be afraid to ask for it again. This is entirely acceptable as people understand that names may not get through clearly the first time. If it's a foreign or unfamiliar name, ask the person to spell it for you, just to be doubly sure. And say the name immediately after you've confirmed it.

Also, try linking the name with something that's related to the person - it could the mutual friend who introduced you, a body feature or personality trait. Do they resemble something that rhymes with their name? Can you make up a catchphrase or a story that uses the feature and the name? Sparkly Sharkee? Action Jackson? It doesn't matter if it's nonsensical; what's important is the strong association you'll remember.

If your acquaintances are the namesakes of famous people, try associating them with those personalities. If you meet an "Anna", for example, you might imagine her as a Russian blueblood and link her with Anna Karenina. Or imagine her playing tennis and associate her with Anna Kournikova.


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