Wednesday, January 25, 2006



1)喜欢一个人就代表专一吗? 喜欢两个人就代表花心吗?
2)口里不说就代表不喜欢吗? 说了就代表喜欢吗?

爱如戏 (我写的歌词)







Slice of Life

Creating a Life of Abundance (Part 2)

Before we can create a life of abundance, we have to understand that three key areas contribute to its development - money, health and relationships. And when it comes to money, it's our thoughts and emotions that determine if we are financially secure or not. Our thoughts and emotions feed our beliefs and our beliefs are what drive our lives.

Many people believe that the occurrences that happen in their day to day lives happen because that is "Just the way life is". What many fail to realize is that the reason these things happen as they do is because that is what they are attracting to themselves through their belief system.

Take for instance Roger Bannister, the man who broke the all time record of running a 4 minute mile, on May 6th 1954. Until the time he accomplished that incredible feat, it was believed to be impossible, and beyond human ability to do so. That is until Roger Bannister came along, who broke the previous world record, and finished in an amazing 3 minutes 59.4 seconds! Once it was found that such a thing actually could be accomplished, that record has since been broken many times! Once people actually believed that it was possible, it became much more so!

Look at your own life. What self limiting beliefs have you allowed to hold you back from accomplishing your most sought after dreams and deepest desires? What unfulfilled dreams are you hesitating to act on because the world says that it's impossible?

You don't have to be a track star to create whatever it is that you desire in your life. You don't have to be someone else to achieve whatever you desire and enjoy more abundance in your life than you previously imagined. You don't have to be anything other than yourself. So what is the secret of abundance?

There isn't one. All that is necessary to attract all the abundance you could ever hope for, is for you to shed the self limiting beliefs that you have allowed to be stored as your truth. All that is required is that you develop an awareness of the overflowing abundance and unlimited potential given to you.

You have the power to choose.

Change your beliefs and you can change your life.


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