Wednesday, January 18, 2006


大家好,欢迎你收听《小人物的心声》。 今晚由神金病主持这个节目。 我们很荣幸的请来了一名无名小卒来为我们的节目增添一点色彩。无名,你好。



无名:哦,压力重重,好像被夹在两片面包的肉。 感觉上时间都不够用。 但是认识了很多好朋友。 虽然竞争力很强,玩的时候还是很疯。


无名:是呀,刚觉好像做了一个梦。 学到了很多东西,也遇到了很多人,有好的,也有坏的。 有一位学长真的对我超好,不但是常请我吃东西,还教了我生存之道。 他给我的表现评价也是超好。 朋友看了都羡慕我。可是,我也不巧的看了别人的表现评价,人人的都超好。 现在觉得我真是一个普通的无名小卒。哈,要不然我也不会被请到这里来。


无名:别提了。 经过这三天,我觉得过去两年的学校生活是地狱折磨。 还好我还活着。这学期虽然感觉轻松,但是我不可以掉以轻心。 每个人一定会应为使最后的从此而变得很努力。 我,也不是一个天才,我是靠努力才熬过来的。 当每个人都加倍努力,我的努力就看起来不怎么样了。嘿。。。。 我也是一个从失败学习的人,但是这不是一件好事。 往往,一旦失败了就很难再爬起来了。 我也不了解,为什么会有人不必失败就能成功。 在我的周围就有很多这样的人。我妈说:“只要读完就好,不必读得很好,也不用和别人比。” 还好家人要求不高啊。

神金病:真的是很好的妈。 那你的感情世界一定很发达吧。

无名:你大错特错了。 经过两年半来的冰封自己,什么对我来说都麻木了。有时候好想要冲破冰群,但另一个自己又阻止我。过了这么久,我也不知道我还知不知道怎么对人好。而且,恐惧感真得很重。 到了现在,我还不知道我到底要的是什么。 而且,我到底有资格吗?


无名:我也不知道。真狼狈哦。 就算我厌倦了这样的生活,我有时间去想这样的事吗?如果我知道我无法给我的百分之百,我又怎么能够。。。。 难道我可以说:“哦,可是我没有很多时间陪你喔, 自生自灭吧,哈哈”。



神金病:好好,不提就不提。 我们时间也不多了。 那我们就在这里和各位听众说再见吧。 谢谢您的收听。下一次,同样的时间,同样的播道,收听我们《小人物的心声》。 谢谢。



无名:你这个王八蛋! 开匾啦。 无聊节目,不要再叫我来了!

Slice of Life

Start Your Own Home Business!

When we were kids, we fantasized about growing up, getting a job, and making lots of money. That money would buy us truckloads of ice-cream and action figurines. But after years in the rat race, we now decide that we no longer want to be rats. We no longer want to make money doing a job that we don't love for a boss we can't endure, just so we can have our ice-cream and action figurines. We don't even want our sweets and toys any more - we want more love, more family, more time doing the things we love with the people we love.

A great way to get away from the corporate world and to provide for your own job security as well is to start a home business. No money to buy or rent an office? Worry not, you can register your business using your home address in Singapore! But what kind of business would you run from home? That is the most important and fundamental question. In order to answer it though, you'll need to ask yourself a series of other questions.

1 - What is the deepest desire of my heart? 2 - What stirs my passions? 3 - What flows naturally out of me? 4 - Where do I bring forth fruit or produce good results? 5 - What do other mature people see in me? 6 - What thoughts, visions, and dreams are impossible to put out of my mind? 7 - To what can I give 100% of myself for my whole life?8 - What do people want to gather around me and help me to do?

If you will sit down and honestly consider these questions with somebody that knows you well, you'll come up with some surprising answers. You can find a purpose in life that will allow you to provide an income for yourself and your family while you are doing what your heart desires, everyday!


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