End of war, peace alas.
Back to the old days with no directions.
War was unbearable. How about peace?
Autumn leaves fall as the wind blows lightly.
The rustling of the leaves became the only audible sound.
Pacing every step, through the sunny yet cold realm.
Lived like no tomorrow during war.
Now, counting tomorrow.
1 day, 2 days, 3 days.... 1 mth.
Count.... counting.
1st day of holiday and.... it is already boring to me already. I really don't like this. There aren't any productive things done today. I'm just feeling a bit weird changing to this current lifestyle.
I just realised how big the difference can be when one isn't needed anymore. Its time for me to find something to keep myself occupied. Music? Games? Learn Jap language? Shop? Sing? Maple? Reinforce my audit knowledge before work comes (crazy)?
Yes, nothing exciting anymore. 1 mth plus of slacking.... might kill me. Well, thats life. Busy also complain, slack also complain.
Today's activities..... Its time to settle the academic dress for graduation. I called to ask and the person told me they don't have any stock yet so no point going down to try sizes. So for those NTU people, wait till 20th May then call to ask. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read your ntu email.
Then I cut my hair, signifying the releasing of unnecessary worries and problems arising from exams. All gone for good.
Then I went to register for Broadband. I think I can't use NTU email after I graduate so, its time! Everything set up and ready for action when they activate the line.
Then I cleared up my books and stuffs and throw whatever that needs to be thrown, and tidied my room. Free from school books now.
Then I decide to donate ten bucks to the school's general fund when someone from NTU called.
Thats all! Oh ya, I just created a new maple character (a thief) and levelled to level 12...... (no life sia).
I'm expecting my other friends to have a more exciting life now cuz all planning to fly here fly there. Haa happy travelling. I guess I chose my life this way. So be it. Live up to my name as a nerd. haa. Thats a compliment to me.
Slice of Life
A SLICE OF LIFE - Micro-Management Addiction (Part 1)
Most micro-managers would never admit it, but micro-management is an addiction. It's a dependence on controlling others, fussing about minor details, and being concerned about the way things are done rather than in the results achieved. Micro-managers typically ask for status, data and reports from their subordinates more often than they could possibly need for constructive intervention. They tend to double check people's work, always on the lookout for something wrong.
This kind of behaviour is a sign of a manager in trouble - a supervisor who routinely points out minor flaws and spends all his time trumping up his efforts at fixing them, while not having the faintest idea of how the organization can advance as a whole. This kind of manager attempts to mask the symptoms but doesn't think about finding the cure.
Urge for control is a symptom of fear, insecurity, lack of confidence and lack of trust. The root cause of micro-management, basically, is Fear. Fear of appearing incompetent, fear of losing one's position or authority, fear that one's subordinates may take over one's role or importance.
Whether you yourself are showing signs of micro-managing others or it's one of your middle managers, it's important to realize that micro-management is hurting your organization. It jeopardizes employees' job satisfaction. There is no room left for advancement of the subordinates, as the micro-manager-boss does not relinquish responsibilities. This gives rise to resentment among employees. Sub-ordinates are so afraid of the constant criticism and so fed up with the constant follow up of the boss that they no longer take enough interest. Creativity dries up. Motivation level drops with plummeting morale. Productivity becomes the obvious victim.
Micro-management is a management strategy with great or excessive control with attention to too many details. Micro-managers manage with rules, formulas, data, laid-down procedures, straightjacket budgets, and financial ratios. They are so involved in the details of what happens in the organization that they do not have time for doing the strategic plan and obviously they miss the big picture.
If you are micro-managing, you obviously feel insecure about something. It could be your company's disappointing results, it could be pressure from higher level managers, it could be that you're afraid of being replaced, of losing your job. Whatever the case, understand that micro-managing is not the solution. It eats away at your workers, it eats away at you, and it's killing your organization.
Join me in the next programme as we look at how micro-managers can kick their addiction.
Slice of Life
Attracting the Right People
Why do we seem to attract the same type of people or situations over and over again? Why do you meet the people you meet? Why do you consistently get yourself into positions or places where you feel frustrated or powerless?
Almost all of us, at some point in our lives, has thought about these questions.
Well, our relationships are reflections of what we desire in our lives, either consciously or unconsciously. When we communicate to the creative centre in our mind that we only deserve this much, that we are not worthy of better people or better things, then that's just what we get. You attract what you think about, what you believe.
All of our relationships with friends, romantic partners, co-workers and even casual acquaintances tell us something about ourselves. When we recognize and pay attention to the teachings of the people around us, we have the opportunity to improve our circumstances and ourselves.
So how can you attract more fulfilling, mature and lasting relationships?
Begin by writing down what's lacking in your relationships or what's irritating you. By creating this list of what doesn't make you feel good, you can learn to focus on what you actually do want from your connections with other people. It can also help you begin making small changes in the kind of people you see as a potential mate or friend.
Acknowledge your gratitude for having these connections with other people. Rather than focusing on how much you want things to change, begin to focus on your relationships as learning about yourself. Using gratitude to convey that you are on your learning path can help communicate a sense of well being all through yourself that others can perceive as well. By focusing on what the other person is helping you with, you can shift your attention to their positive traits as well, thus allowing yourself to create a different reaction to being in this person's presence and allowing the connection to shift into a better relationship.
By choosing to recognize the learning experiences offered by our connections with other people, we can bring ourselves into better spiritual alignment with ourselves. This can enable us to live happier, healthier and more productive lives as well as create better relationships with other people. As you continue to work with these learning possibilities with others, you can create a different response to life, enabling yourself to feel more balanced and in tune with yourself and everything around you.
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