Monday, May 08, 2006


Just a few words for the exam today. Why Swap come out???? I don't know how to do.... Ya, told myself can copy from tx bk when it comes out but.... My -ve and +ve signs all wrongs!!! 0 marks for that..... in total, 25marks throw into rubbish bin. Once again, I figured out my mistakes after the exam.... straight after exam. How nice.

To consol myself, Tutor say do 3 questions can do well liao. But This time, it feels like my 206 again. Consol myself and get crap results in the end. This time, I'll keep my fingers crossed.

However, I find that paper challenging and fun. I do enjoy doing it if not for the fact that I'm being judge by that paper..... by all papers..... How can a person be judged by papers?? I cannot understand that..... argh.

Anyway, I'm waiting for the sun to go down so that I can job my anger of my dumbness out. Ha, last paper to go on Wed and I'm a free man. And its the last chance to see if I can create miracle in the last sem. "There can be Miracle, when you believe" ..... crap.

(The smile.)


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