Thursday, May 25, 2006


No mood to compose, totally no inspiration. Tried to continue the piece but.... don't seems to be able to come out with something nice. Should I just call it the unfinished song and then post it online? .....

Jogged, practice 8 bars of FF10 piano piece for 2hrs. (2hrs, 8bars?!?! How "efficient" and "talented")

Slice of Life

Help! My Loved One is Perpetually Negative!

What's one of the top barriers to your success?

Well, in this case, it's not you. It's other people; more specifically, negative people. The final decision to let these people affect you or not is yours of course, but their increasing presence in this world can feel like a tidal wave of resistance.

There's a lot of negativity in this world; a lot of people seem to always fear the worst although it's not the least bit useful. Pessimism and worry achieve nothing ultimately but they can be extremely damaging.

The Law of Attraction states that we become magnets for whatever we focus our thoughts or attention on - both wanted and unwanted. In other words, what you think about, you become. Your thoughts create your reality. For example, right now, you may be noticing everything that isn't working in your life or business. By dwelling on what isn't working or isn't happening, you remain "stuck", attracting more of the same.

Negative people attract and give out negative energy, and going by the Law of Attraction, they're likely to be stuck in their own mediocrity, misfortune and dead end lives. Now, strangers or casual acquaintances with poison in their words are easy enough to deflect, but what happens if your spouse, partner or friend is being negative? Will their doom and gloom eventually consume you? Or can you part their grey clouds and let some sunshine into their lives?

First of all, remember that you always have a choice whether to participate or not. It takes two to argue or fight, and you can always choose what you talk about. For instance, if your partner or friend is complaining again about what's wrong with their lives, you can either buy into their bleakness and turn the whole conversation into a groan fest, or you can take the conversation to a higher level by vibrating at a different frequency. Try to get them to vibrate along with your brighter, more optimistic tone.

Try asking the question "So what do you want?". Now, complainers are not used to answering this kind of question, the kind that forces them to take charge of their lives and chart the future course; it makes them uncomfortable. But press ahead with this line of questioning and you'll soon hear their words and tones change. They'll pick up your vibes and start to think of solutions rather than problems, blessings rather than hardships.

Don't allow your loved ones to get you down. Instead, pick them up and look forward to a brighter future together.


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