Friday, June 02, 2006


Auntie came my house.. taught how to convert cd into mp3 and transfer to mp3 player. Got a free 4 piece chicken from Macdonalds for that.

Watched korean show again. I have to wait until next monday for the next episode. Waiting just drives people crazy. So, reunion. "O genki desu ka?" I didn't know this question can be pictured so nicely.

Too much connection. Just like what i'll do. Wish them all the best. I just hope the story ends before my work starts..... I got a feeling, its not going to end so sooon. Buy vcd??? sigh. I'm so stuck to it haaa. My motivation for everyday. Ohhhh I'm such a loser haaa.

"Watashi mo......"

Slice of Life

Job Satisfaction

Many people turn a beloved hobby into a vocation. They have a gift, a talent screaming for _expression. It means doing something that they love. And they feel empowered by it.

However, this newfound empowerment is inside the person, not in the changing of careers. How can you feel empowered if you are already successful in your work but feel discontented?

There is a big difference between believing in something and deeply experiencing the same thing. An old _expression suggests, "It will not help to believe in ladders unless you climb one." Many people are highly skilled, successful, and competent in their work. They are intellectually aware of their value. However, they do not experience the internal satisfaction and contentment that they want and deserve.

So how can we achieve job satisfaction?

First, check your motivations for being in your career. Success is the result of skills, actions, and choices. It is not however, a reason for remaining in one place. Just because you've achieved success in your current job doesn't mean you can't go on to achieve similar or greater successes in other endeavours.

Catch a partner or co-worker doing something great each day. Verbally acknowledge the dedication and value that they contribute. Use sincere words and actions to show colleagues that they are valuable. Share your goals with others, and express sincere appreciation for their participation. We build trust-worthy relationships by joining with our peers in cooperative activities. Showing appreciation for others will reflect back and enrich your experiences.

Focus on your value by challenging yourself to make improvements each day. Nourish and maintain yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. Discontentment may simply be a warning sign of burn out.

We can be both successful and content with our lives and careers. We create the most meaningful monuments from the love and enthusiasm we have for our work. Create a monument everyday by doing what you love and focusing on the value you bring to others. Acknowledge also the value that others contribute to your life and career. These actions coupled with a healthy, balanced lifestyle can add contentment and improved relationships to your career beginning today.


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