Monday, December 13, 2004


Did I say that I am going for buffet today? hee Yummy!!. Its that sakae sushi again. Those things are just soooo good. This time I went with my parents. Laugh quite alot while eating.

Morning- I check the websites on the cameras again. I saw this Canon A95. Looks good, review is good, picture quality isn't too bad too. Soooo tiring checking all these information out. So its nikkon vs canon. After checking the website, I went to watch the drama again. I caught hold of some quotes and I want to put them here. You decide whether its useful or not.

"Friends or lovers? Whats the difference? 1) Friends are forever while lovers might breakup one day. 2) when friends hold hands, heartbeat rate won't increase. 3) Gifts for friends are non returnable while gifts for lovers might be returned when they break up.

When you need someone to share your problems, friends might just be a better listener. So, is it better to be friends?"

I think its really good to put some thoughts here. After all these yrs, I have grown to mature and think that true friends between girls and guys exist. When 2 chooses to be friends, I think its because that the relationship might just be too precious to run the risk of becoming lovers. The risk? Breaking up. Breaking is painful isn't it? And most people can't return back to friends after that. Most amazingly, I could. I wonder how haha.

Friends vs lovers... the choice is yours.

Afternoon - Sakae!!

Evening- I went to suntec to check out the prices for the cameras. I chatted with a sales person in Harvey Norman. Found out that the popular ones are the ones i'm looking for. Canon A95 and Nikkon 5200. Now its war between these 2. But Canon came up top because of the photo quality and manual settings that are available in it. I gotta learn how to control them though hee. I wanna do some shooting on nature.

I wore my specs all day round haha, and my eyes felt so protected from the lights hee. I can't stand those rays that comes out from the lights. Makes me headache. But i think i look quite dumb with those specs... or not? I seems to start to like the look again. Why am I soooo vain??? faint. Anyway suntec is a fun place to be. Oh somehow I think the service quality in Singapore needs some improvement heee. Just a general comment.

I found the slice of life for 10/12 in another folder of my email haha funny. I'll post it.

Slice of life (10/12/04)

"The Richest People

It's often been said that one doesn't have to be rich to be happy. But richness doesn't have to be defined in monetary terms.

Some of the richest people in the world don't have much money. But they are wealthy in other ways.
Rich people know the speed limit. Most of us know what gives our lives joy and meaning. But many people race through life so fast that they fail to pay enough attention to them. While driving on the road of Life, they are so focused on the destination that they don't appreciate what's all around them. But the destination is uncertain. Whether we will eventually reach it or not is uncertain. What is certain are the things we pass by on the way. Don't drive too fast to notice them.

Rich people understand that in life, there is bound to be disappointment, loss and failure. They don't live in the illusion that things will always be good and the ones they love will return their love and stay by their sides forever. But they understand that they can deal with life's challenges, learn from mistakes to create future successes.

Rich people place people above things. They know that no object, no matter how valuable or pleasurable can compare to the emotional and spiritual enrichment of a loved one's kind words, caring deeds and loving touch. Having said this, human beings are fallible and imperfect creatures… and they will occasionally leave or fail us. But rich people understand this, and continue to give love and compassion in spite of it.

Rich people know that being rich does not mean having a lot of money. They realise that regardless of how much money one has, one cannot hold on to it for long. But rich people also understand the benefits of having money, and will use it to make their loved ones happy and help others regularly.

Rich people see the value in labour and hardship. They have the ability to remain faithful and content no matter what challenges they face. They realise that whether times are good or bad, they are the only times we have. No one has more or less time, and it's better to make the most of the present than dwell on the past or worry about the future.

Slice of Life (13/12/04)

"Don't Let Anger Get the Better of You

How often do you allow anger to get the better of you?

Well, the next time you feel that emotion igniting your belly and flaring in your temples, remember: anger hurts no one more than you. Besides the more evident downsides like increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure, anger deprives you of the time you could've spent on something more satisfying and beneficial.

If you're a kettle of water on the stove, anger is the flame beneath you. It takes hardly any effort for someone to ignite the gas. Very often, it takes a few simple words, or a selfish or foolish act. After the flame is lit, the perpetrator disappears, and you're left seething silently till you reaching the boiling point. As you allow the heat to engulf you, you start losing more and more of yourself until you bubble over. Very soon, there'll be more of you in the atmosphere than in the kettle.

Whether you vent your anger or hold it inside is irrelevant. Either way, you are causing damage to yourself. And to what end? Will the consequences affect your life so drastically and prevent you from achieving happiness? In an hour, a day, in a month, a year… who's going to care?

Some people are more predisposed to anger than others. A simple way of checking how susceptible you are to anger is to ask yourself: Do you often feel as if you're mistreated by others? Do you frequently take minor insults or inconveniences as personal attacks against you? Do you complain more than you praise? Do you often exaggerate the actions of others? Has driving become unpleasant because you're cursing other drivers so much?

Think of all the things that get on your nerves. Why do they upset you? Are they worth getting worked up over? Does getting angry resolve anything? The next time these things surface, remember how insignificant they are. If you can change things, by all means, do it. If not, either accept them, or avoid them. Most of them are really not worth your time and effort. Focus on something else.

This world is not a bed of roses, even if your home might feel like one. And even if you consider yourself a prime example of loving kindness, not everyone else is the same. In fact, most people are very flawed. They can be selfish, jealous, callous, unjust or plain nasty. But the damage they can do to you is minimal, and temporary. Only you can inflict the longest lasting and most painful injury to yourself.

Don't allow people to ruffle your feathers and steal your serenity."


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