Today I managed to force myself through that lousy tax tutorial. Tax is just so complicated. Anyway, the highlight of today is that I watched 2 movies with my buddy, S. 1st movie is Howl's moving castle, 2nd is Robots. Well, both makes people laugh, but seems to lack something in the 1st movie. It lacks the human touch hee. I don't know, maybe I'm starting to pick on movies. My kind of movie needs to be funny, touching, and emotional.
I haven't been going out for such a long time, and this is one of the very few days for me to have a chance to explore the changes in society haha. Inflation seems to have cause our meals to be more expensive. What to do? haha. My heart lighten quite a bit after today's enjoyment. I've already prepare myself to slack for the next 2 weeks before I turn on my engine for the final burst before exam.
My throat isn't recovering. It has been 2 weeks or 3 weeks. The haze is still making me coughing my lungs out. I wonder whats cooking out there haha.
My buddy gave me another cd that contains music pieces. This time, the Queen Symphony impressed me. The emotion could be compared to the 3rd symphony by James Barnes. I just like this kind of pieces.
Slice of life
There is a type of crab that is almost impossible to catch - it is agile and clever enough to get out of any crab trap. And yet, these crabs are caught by the thousands every day, thanks to a particular human trait they possess.
The trap is a wire cage with a hole at the top. Bait is placed in the cage, and the cage is lowered into the water. One crab comes along, enters the cage, and begins munching on the bait. A second crab joins him. Then a third. Crab Thanksgiving. Yummm. Eventually, all the bait is gone.
The crabs can easily climb up the side of the cage and through the hole, but they do not. They stay in the cage. Other crabs come along and join them -- long after the bait is gone.
Should one of the crabs realize there is no further reason to stay in the trap and attempts to leave, the other crabs will gang up on him and stop him. They will repeatedly pull him off the side of the cage. If he is persistent, the others will tear off his claws to keep him from climbing. If he persists still, they will kill him. The crabs -- by force of the majority -- stay together in the cage. The cage is hauled up, and it's dinnertime on the pier.
Anyone who has a dream -- one that might get them out of what they perceive to be a trap -- had best beware of the fellow-inhabitants of the trap. These "demotivators" do not usually use physical force -- although they are certainly not above it. They generally don't need it, however. They have more effective methods at hand, and in mouth -- innuendo, doubt, ridicule, derision, mockery, sarcasm, scorn, sneering, belittlement, humiliation, jeering, taunting, teasing, and lying.
And that was an article written by Peter McWilliams.
We are all capable of great things. No matter how lousy you may think you are, you possess gifts that can be developed to achieve something in life.
We are often our greatest enemies, the demotivators that prevent us from scaling the heights. However, very often, it is the people around us who are the worst culprits when it comes to crippling our efforts toward achieving our objectives.
People sometimes do this unwittingly, but very often, their labours at wearing you out are purposeful and can take very palpable forms. As far as possible, keep away from these people, and don't let their disparaging words shake your faith.
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