Tuesday, March 22, 2005


After much turbulent during the last few weeks, my mind has come to a state of so called zombotic (if theres such word). Resembles the economic cycle (boom, peak, contraction, trough) eh. But the band teaching session today seems to have given me some happiness. When I look at some of my favourite students, they just give me a sense of job satisfaction. Its just feel good to be appreciated. Not mentioning I was called the "act cute boy" when they saw me with the new hair cut, and "handsome boy" when i wore office wear there.

Is teaching a way for me? I haven't imagine myself with that image in mind. I think it needs careful planning. Not a bad idea actually. But, that means no more Singlish, no more hokkien, no more messy hair.

News: The recent divorce rate is the highest so far recorded. An most divorce relates to couples who are married for less than 5 years. And those who have no children are more likely to get divorced. What the hell. I like to research on these kind of things but no time haha. Sociology hee.

People call me the guru of relationships haha, they are crazy. The more you know, the worst it is. If you have heard of Chiong2 yao2, she is a damn good writer of romance novels, but she has a broken marriage.

I've set my mind to ignore any work throughout my next 3 weeks. I'll adopt a hack care attitude and behave like a hateful free rider. 3 more weeks to study break, and then exams. After that, its holiday, where i'll do what i want to do and enjoy while working for final project. I wonder how many pieces would I write then. Melodies are hard to come, and most often I forget the best ones that i could come up with.

Slice of Life

Maintaining Positive Energy

We all face stressful or challenging situations. For some of us, we encounter them on a daily basis. In order to deal with these situations effectively, and bounce back from them, we need positive energy. Running out of positive energy can mean burn out, depression and illness. You can't work, you can't sleep, and your relationships suffer.

Springing back after a stressful time requires a storehouse of reserve energy. How can we generate and conserve enough energy to keep us resilient in times of crisis or stress?

Equanimity is a state of mind that is rarely disturbed under great strain. It's the practice of a certain disposition, stability, and balance. So how can we achieve this?

Balance includes taking time daily for relaxation and doing things we enjoy. You'd be surprised how many people don't devote enough time to this. Some people don't even think about what truly gives them joy and pleasure. Sure we all like catching the latest episode of "Frasier" or "Desperate Housewives", but would something else give us more satisfaction? What about walking the dog? Jogging by the beach? Painting? Or making music? Give it deeper thought and you'll find that you're actually missing out on a lot of things you would enjoy doing daily but simply don't think about doing them.

Start a Joy Book. In it, write down or include things that give you joy. They can be activities, jokes, recipes, poems, greeting cards, photos, stories, quotes and so on. Anything that makes you smile, laugh, daydream or sigh sentimentally. Each day, make sure you do at least one of the things, or truly relish it. This is a great way to replenish the energy consumed during daily living.

And maintain total wellness. Take care of your mind and body. Eat nutritious, healthy foods and exercise regularly. We can perform better under pressure, and recover from setbacks by strengthening our spirits, minds and bodies.

It's easy to resist making necessary changes in our lifestyle. We would rather not acknowledge habits that work against us. Change is uncomfortable. However, it is an unbreakable spiritual law that whatever we resist will persist and thrive by consuming our energy. What are you resisting that could be stealing your energy now? Maintain a store of positive energy and you'll find yourself more resilient to the stresses of daily life.

Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Link is http://www.blogthings.com/genderbrainquiz/


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh? how come i can't accesss the link to the gender of the brain page? haha. btw, what's the meaning of "wear your heart on the sleeve?" paiseh my english nt very powerful.

anyway, mayb i dun have to find the gender of my brain. i think like a guy. btw, i'm a girl.

8:55 PM  
Blogger WeiQiang said...

Oh the link is this,

Wearing heart on the sleeve, hmm my english isn't any power too. I guess it means that I tend make decisions based on heart rather than rational thinking. I don't know. hee

10:54 PM  

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