Thursday, September 15, 2005


Today's excitment has past. Interview in PWC is such an enjoyable experience. But whether they'll employ me is another story. The atmosphere is so soothing for working. This is the kind of place I would want to be in. The interviewer is just so interesting. But she is really young to be a manager you know. I think she is the super capable of working kind. Just impressed me with her knowledge. I don't know if i have charmed her or not haha, but i charmed myself. (crazy self). I really want to work there.... pretty please??? Eeks haha I won't give up even if i am not selected. I'll try for it when i graduate. hee

After that, I went to Funan by foot from PWC building. I gotta collect a cable modem there. Its free! power.

At night, I'll be going for my band practice in NUS. Get ready my ear plugs!!

Slice of Life

Influencing People

Almost every day, we find ourselves in situations where we need to influence or persuade people. This sounds like the job for someone in a leadership position, but all of us need this skill in order to streamline our lives, make things better, or simply to get things moving. Like getting your child to do his homework or clean his room. Or getting your co-worker to share duties more equitably.

Influencing is about being able to move things forward, without pushing, forcing or telling others what to do. It's the ability to work everything at your disposal, both verbal and non-verbal communication, to create the impact you want, rather than letting things just happen.

To best influence people you must have an understanding of yourself and the effect or impact you have on others. It's about knowing how others perceive you. It can sometimes be looked at as the ability to finesse another person. They become persuaded, often unconsciously, into seeing and understanding your view.
If you can make people understand your view then they will be far more willing to at least meet you halfway. Even more so if you make them feel acknowledged, understood and appreciated. They may even end up doing or agreeing to something they wouldn't have previously done because they feel good about making the choice.

Now, here's a big secret to influencing people; make the other person feel important and the more they will respond to you. It's human nature for people to want to be recognized and to feel like "somebody." It's been said about recognition, "Babies cry for it and grown men die for it."

People will always respond in a negative way to you if you treat them like a nobody, or talk down to them. I see this all the time, particularly in families. Parents can't seem to understand why their kids disrespect them. Often times, the parents are talking down to their kids, belittling them, making them feel like their ideas are stupid, and making them feel unimportant.

People could gain a lot of ground by first listening to others without judgment and criticism, hearing what is important to them, and hearing what will move them. When you know what will move them, you will then know how to move them because you will be able to tell them what they want to hear. You can simply show them how they can get what they want by doing what you want.

Again, our successes in life will be greatly determined by how well we influence other people. So, we need to learn all we can about human nature and obtain great people skills so we may win others to our way of thinking.


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