Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Soon to finish my studying life but.... Why must the ending be so difficult? 1 week to finish 2k words essay, then need to hand up FYP two days later, then need to hand up 20 pages essay 4 days later, then presentation and presentation. quiz quiz quiz. Meetings meetings meetings.

Tomorrow gonna meet with a fresh group loh, no chemistry at all loh. sigh. I'm gonna feel so wierd again. They might feel that I'm too aggressive? haaa or perhaps they already expect me to be like that already.

Today, I really do work whole day again. And, I've come up with another resolution. After becoming the expert in consol adjustments, the next thing is to become an Audit Champion. My aim for the next 2 weeks. Perhaps I need to be the currency translation king as well. So many aims. Aim high high, fall hard hard.

I haven't been opening my voice up for a long time. Today I tried to "ah" a certain melody and I got choked. Then my voice so squeezed and flat. High notes all fake and lousy. Sad. haa

I went to the library to collect my reserved book. So troublesome. Wasted 2 hrs. First, I need to pay the reservation fees. Cash card no money. So, I need an ATM to top up. I walked to the interchanged from the library!! Then walk back again. Far.... Wasted so much time. Sigh.

Slice of Life

The Spice of Life

"Variety is the spice of life" they say, but although we have so many choices these days, the irony is that we're leading increasingly routine and mundane lives.

Because we're working longer and harder to maintain our lifestyles, we have less time and energy to think about changing our patterns. Convenience and speed is foremost, and we're inclined to take the usual, the tried, the fastest, the easiest route to get by from day to day.

Is your daily schedule like a rubber stamp you can print on most squares on your calendar? Have we forgotten how valuable our time is? If every day presents opportunities to see new colours, why should we accept just the grey every day?

Starting now, think actively about how you can add more spice to your life.

Just think about the past week. Did you visit a new place? Singapore may be tiny, but even this little dot holds nooks and corners you'll need a lifetime to fully appreciate. So, every once in a while, once or twice a week if you can, go somewhere you've never been before - a museum, a theatre, a nature reserve, a park, a caf?a beach, the wet market in your estate. It doesn't matter what; new experiences trigger responses in your brain that lead to a host of other ideas.

If I asked you to throw out the biggest thief in your home, what would it be?

Many of us don't know this, but the greatest thieves that enter our lives do so by our own invitation. Your television set can steal something more valuable from you than any other thief on the planet: your precious, non-renewable life time. It may seem incredulous at first - "What? Live without TV?" - but try it out for a week, as a challenge, a test, or whatever, and judge for yourself.

Use the time to do something you feel will enhance your life. Come up with a list of things you could do that will be more beneficial for you. Work out, read books, learn a new subject - languages, cookery, swimming, diving, computers, wine-tasting, crafts, astronomy, astrology, music, advanced driving, drama, take up a new sport - the list is endless. You'll meet people, you'll develop more skills, you'll add to your knowledge and you'll develop more confidence. And you'll feel more alive! Sure beats sitting indoors watching reality TV rehash itself, soaps, repeats, and a barrage of commercials!

Your life is your one and only canvas, your one and only meal. Shouldn't it be as colourful and as "spicy" as it can be?

Slice of Life

STORIES - Vertical Frog Race

Once there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a vertical race. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd gathered around the tower to see the race and to ostensibly cheer on the contestants.

Honestly, no one in crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. There were whispers and mutterings like:

"Way too difficult!!"

"They'll never make it to the top!"

"The tower is too high!"

"The frogs are too small and weak!"

And true enough, after an initial spurt of energy, the frogs began collapsing.

The crowd continued to yell:

"No one's gonna make it!"

More and more of the tiny frogs fell prey to exhaustion and gave up.

But ONE continued climbing higher and higher and higher...

This one wouldn't give up!

Finally, to the disbelief and amazement of the crowd, that one frog reached the top!

The other frogs were stunned. More than just stunned? they were embarrassed and flummoxed. Turns out, none of them actually believed any one of them could make it to the top.

So how did that one little frog complete the feat with his sprightly webbed feet?

Well, turns out? the winner was deaf!


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