Monday, April 03, 2006


Too many ups and downs for the day. I'm getting sick of the inconsistencies. Inconsistencies = for idiots like me. True, and I admit. Why am I trying so hard? What is there for me to fight for? What can I achieve? What chances do i have to still fight upwards? Climbing is so tough when things are already so predetermined.

First, 304 class. Nice in class activity that catch me off guard. Total defeat back then. This is the medium defeat for me.

Second, 308 class. I really showed my power then cuz today's tutorial is about 307 stuffs. All learn before, thats why.... and the tutor does have cool impression on me. haa I like that guy.

Last, 312 class. Presentation. Super defeat. It was "as average as any average group"(tutor of T01). The higher the expectation, the harder you fall. But this time, she expected more from us.... but she didn't look please. Too many flops done by me too. Never forget to print ppt slides for tutor.... creates bad image.

I don't know why I myself didn't have alot of energy in preparing and coordinating things for this presentation. I knew something is lacking but I just don't have the energy to make things happen, or make changes happen. I couldn't feel the bond and drive within the group. Is it because we are too used to one another (worked for more than 6 presentations already?). Or perhaps I'm just too tired with so many things going on at the same time. I am very very very defeated by the comments she(tutor) gave, but it lets me think through for me to improve for future presentations. Everyone was just too nice to each other. And my big mistake to think that we do not need a meeting for preparation of things to say....

I must confess..... the collective effort by my group isn't there.... we deserve it. We deserved to be average. We are average. Average..... Its a sad case... and the sky concurs with me by weeping for me... again.

KJ: Sorry, didn't perform to your expectations haaa. Anyway, I still wanna say I'm still impressed with you and your sis's performance even though you are crazily busy with things.

Let me DUI for one day. DUI = Don't U Irritate me. DUI DUI DUI DUI DUI. Last presentation that ends with a flop. DUI DUI DUI. Another reason for some people to laugh at my failure.... There are bound to be people smiling at my fate. Are you one of them? haaa

(I'll be ok after sleep. So, no need to talk to me about this anymore. I'll just leave this in my memory closet, lock and put into archieve. Not going to retrieve it anymore.)

Slice of Life

Giving and Receiving (Part 2)

In the last programme, we talked about the dynamics of giving and receiving, and how an imbalance can hurt your emotional health. We tried out a few ways of increasing your receptivity if you're not receiving enough. But what if you're not giving enough?

First of all, tell the people in your life what you appreciate about them - the things you admire, respect, enjoy, envy, and are awed by. How often do you let your friends and family know how much you appreciate them?

Extend this gift of appreciation to colleagues and associates. Even people you had a brief encounter with; if they impressed you or was good to you or did a favour for you, tell them how much it meant. Be generous with your appreciation. It costs you nothing but it makes them feel great, and you'll feel wonderful too.

When you go to someone else's home, bring them something - some fruit, a drink, a flower, even a note.

Introduce people who could benefit from knowing each other socially or professionally. You may feel awkward the first few times you do this, but it is a completely learnable skill and a wonderful way to be of service to the people in your life.

Invite people to your home; give the gift of an event that brings people together.

Give away stuff you don't use any more - dusty books clogging up your cupboards and shelves, CDs you never listen to anymore, bags, clothes, even appliances. These things have much more value in them yet in other hands.


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