I made a very very nice nice nice senior from the IT department. I think i can call him my new made friend. My horror this morning was to find that I can't start my computer cuz it suffered the blue screen syndrome. The hard disk died. I brought down my laptop and stood at the counter there. One 30-40yr old guy walked up to me and helped me. He is very very very nice kind. He is not those super english kind. He talk to people using his normal way, in chinese. I could feel the sincerity in his voice when he helps people. Perhaps i could say he is a big those hokkien kind. I don't sense the corporate mask in him. Comfortable friend.
He solved my computer problem by changing a new harddisks. Even though my mp3 files are illegal, he copied into the new harddisks and fixed all my problems. I really like to thank him and promised him coffee. So happy!!
Although i'm in office doing alot of admin stuffs, i really like to do admin. Answer calls, take msg, do stupid things haaa. I was sitting in for a administrator and the other administrator chat with me during the day as well. Again, no corporate mask from her. She is really a simple, and truthful lady. Some people might look down on her cuz she is just an administrator who joined the firm for 3 months but, i treat her like a real friend as well. No corporate behavior stress.
On another note, I do still feel down inside while feeling so high during the day. Seeing that idiot guy's name in maple just make me wanna smash him up. Too bad... no player killing in that game. Haaaa, Or maybe i should deal with taht guy. I should deal with the girl who gave me hell. I'm starting to be the guru of getting ditched until a point where i have this thought in my mind: " just ditch me lah, i know it will happen sooner or later, i'm used to it." lol. What a good way to look at the bright side of life.
Girls nowadays ah.... donno how to be truthful and faithful. But on the other hand, they might say:"isn't it right to pursue what is really good for them? To find the true love?" Well, its so hard to decide which point should have priority over the other, I'll just leave those thoughts aside. No point debating inside.
As Wang Li Hon song goes
stay tuned for another.... crap from me. Oh ya, only 2 friends reading... I think. Or maybe none. haa I don't mind whatever. I'm just so..... anything now. haa
haha pika still reads ok..haha although she is on the verge of electrifying herself to death.. it will be soon..late nights to 11 pm EVERYDAY plus both weekends working makes me ugly! boohoo y am i complaining here instead? haha late nights kills
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