Today is the 7th day of the lunar new year, so its everyone's birthday. My family went to the coffee shop for a feast(dinner), well its good enough for me. The tom yam soup really makes us breathe fire. It was damn hot. Its really hot spicy. My dad keeps on saying, karai (spicy), oishi (delicious). Haha he only knows how to say that. My mum and I just can't stand the spiciness (is there such a word?).
Remember that i said something about the final year project? Its just so bad that someone backed out, but then I found a friend to join my grp today. Thats really fast haha. And this time, I got a karaoke buddy into my group haha. We might be able to discuss it in KTv. Muahhaa, it'll be damn fun.
Today, I skipped one of my module's makeup lecture just to go for band teaching. I had to teach a student how to play an F horn. She was transferred from Eb horn to F horn, and pitching was a really problem. In the end, I had to take one out for myself and try it myself to find out what the problem lies in the pitching. Ah.... I could really sound soooo good in it haha. But the pitching was really so difficult to hit. There are just so many notes with one fingering.
When I got home after teaching band, I actually sat in front of my dog, and sang some self created melody to her. With my mesmorising eyes, and my tender voice, I seemed to have hypnotised her. She started looking into my eyes, tears begin to form. 5 secs, 10secs, 20secs...... then she stood up and walked away, ignoring my effort in singing. I looked at her, one eye big one eye small. Then I turned to my fishes and sigh. What a dumb sight. I thought this only happens in cartoons. haha. This incident is worth recording.
Hey I must really start to exercise. Argh the new year is just making me soooooo bloated. Eat and eat and eat. Whats more to do? Just eat and sleep haha. If i don't control now, i might have to change my whole wardrobe. No no, my myself must not go back to my old shape haha. I would rather be blown away by wind than to be made of oil and fats. How to reach a balance? ahhhh so difficult.
I chatted with my band teacher in the car when he sent me back to somewhere near my house. Its just so interesting to find out what his teenage years was. Haha, really lots of insights and life experience to learn from him. I guess i'm much more opened to my thinking. Was tooooooo traditional haha, this means this and that means that. If that means this then something is wrong, cannot cannot. I'm really just the turtle on the mountain, and coral in the sea. Regarding band teaching is the same. Traditional thinking doesn't work anymore. Gone with the days where fear was used as a main driving force to push the students. We can't do it now.
Accompanying me now are songs by Jay chou. Listening to different songs at different time, and feeling, can be very good therapy for one. Next time when you have the feeling to listen to any music, think of your mood at that time. Choosing the right music will be a blessing while a wrong music might just drive you up the grave.
Hmm no slice of life again. Too bad if any of you is waiting for it. :)
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