My morning was saved by the creature that i hated the most, the mosquito! I can't believe that it actually saved my day by bitting me during my sleep. Yesterday night, i did set my alarm clock but then i have forgotten to hit the alarm switch. It the end, it didn't ring. But.... I felt a deep itch at 0545 and jumped out of bed with anger, and got ready my electrocution racket. I looked at the clock and wonder why the time was 0545 already. Then i realise that my alarm clock failed me again. I have this deep gratitude to that mosquito that bothered me 3 times yesterday night, so i didn't want to take revenge. I reached the school 15 minutes late but was contented enough.
The tax tutorial was a killer one, where the question was sooooo difficult until my face turned upsidedown when the answer was presented. I got a feeling of giving up inside me. Its just too many things to remember. Its not difficult but the sheer amount of things that we have to remember just gives me the creep. Within 3 mths, we have to remember almost all the rules for basic taxation. BASIC taxation is soooo tough, i just can't imagine what would come when advance tax comes.
I finally changed my wallet to the one i bought last December. Its just such a big thing to me, cuz i'm going to looking forward for now on, and leave some things behind. Its not that i didn't leave them behind, its just that i'm getting closer to completing the process. Its very very near to completion.
No one knows how satisfying to just type anything here. why would i spend time typing rather than studying? I can't point out a specific reason. Its just a way to talk to myself. Self talk helps in solving internal conflicts, and possible problems. Self talk can be a form of motivation, and driving force for many things.
As I'm typing this, I'm listening to the soundtrack from "Windstruck" one of my favourite show. The next movie i wanna watch is "Ray". soon. Tomorrow i have a quiz, i need to sleep early so that i won't mistaken a 5 as 8. haha yeah. Bless everyone.
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