Monday, March 14, 2005


I think I've recover my mental state, after being drowsy for quite a long time because of the medicine i take. Did i say before that I love to eat drowsy medicine? It makes me less aggressive, less panicky, less anxious, less paranoid. I guess I just need ample rest after all that terrible stress from friends and tutors and projects. Some people are really quite insensitive, so I could only tell myself that people are all different, and so accept them as the way they are. True. I should do that.

The turning point for my mental state was surprisingly due to a good friend, once close but far now. Perhaps I could say, you saved my life. Hope to talk to ya again if theres chance. To be frank, some things changed while others didn't. Anyway, you must lead a happy life.

Lessons, projects, meetings are just so common these days. Couldn't find time for anything else. Why do I need time? Time to give myself some space. Has anyone consider that the efficiency brought upon by technology has actually caused human to have less time? Well, its for you to think about it.

Talk about projects, I actually completed my part for a project but had to redo because of a wrong analysis. I can't believe it. That is why i need more time too. Die. haha.


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