Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Ah the quiz!! Omg, I was guessing most of the time, and trying to recall what i'd read in the book. It wasn't a good sign. That means i don't know my stuff. Anyway tax is just such a ahhhh tough thing. I wonder how i could survive. If i'm evil, I'll just pray that every0ne does as badly as me haha.

Anyway, from tomorrow onwards, its full time factory product of knowledge. Its notes and text book eating time. All fully scheduled, and provisions for unexpected events are already provided for. 5 modules, and 12 days left before first paper. 1 module going down, left 4, and 3 days for each module, and 4 lecture notes to eat everyday. That bad. Very bad.

I finished watching Naruto to episode 124. I'm motivated! Sigh, but sometimes people does make me feel damn lousy. Why must I meet these kind of people? Well, some things are uncontrolable. At least now i know another situation that i might face in the business world.

Haha I'm going to enjoy the factory production of knowledge. Beware, I eat books. Can someone just invent something that boost memory temporary? Darn. And could someone invent something that can make someone disappear for a while. lala, or maybe something that can take out a part of the memory? I'm dreaming again haha.

Slice of Life

Improve Your Self-Esteem

Often in our society, we are bombarded with the lives of celebrities. We can end up feeling that if we are not part of the rich and famous, our lives are insignificant. Our society also sends a message of competition and achievement. We watch sports, we always hear about profit and the bottom line being the dollar, we see large companies competing and constantly buying each other out.

The result often is that we are taught to see how well we are doing, in terms of how pretty we are, how bright we are, what kind of house we have, how well we do in sports, what rewards we receive. However, in reality, these are external measures. Each of us needs to develop a sense of self-worth, a capacity for positive self-regard that comes from within.

We have to learn to pat ourselves on the back. To help you, I suggest a self-pride list. During the coming week, write down at least one item a day that you can take pride in having handled well. For example, I was polite and kind to several people in the supermarket checkout line, even though I was tired. Or, I used my head, rather than my fist, and really shared with my son my concerns over his getting another traffic ticket.

At the end of the week, read over your self-pride list, and give yourself a mental hug. This is the beginning of giving yourself more recognition, which will in time lead to an improved sense of self worth. It is only with this improved sense of self-esteem that you can have the confidence to create the kind of life you want.


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