Class in the early morning and meeting in the late morning. Went back home and find out that i have nothing to do. Completed all tutorials 2 weeks in advance. Waiting for a tutorial for one of the module. Teacher haven't post it yet. Take soooo long.
Home alone cuz mum went to dinner for the bidding thing.
I'm just so tired after yesterday's run. Couldn't organize my thoughts now. Sleeping soon.
Slice of Life
Steps to Happiness
It's been said that happiness is a journey, not a destination. Many of us make the mistake of denying ourselves joy until something happens - until we get that promotion, until we get our dream house, until we clinch that million-dollar contract.
Happiness can be elusive, but if we follow these simple steps, we may yet attain it sooner and with less strife than we think.
Are you overwhelmed by a sense of dread every time you try something new? Happy people focus on what is possible rather than dwell on the chances for failure. They look at the lighter side and find humour even in sticky situations.
This also applies to inner judgements. Many of us are self-critical when we need to practice a little kindness towards ourselves. Observe your own thoughts - what do you tell yourself about how you are handling things? Maybe you did make a mistake, but you were exhausted.
Do you complete one project only to rush on to the next? Similarly you may meet challenges of a more personal nature, such as having a difficult conversation with a family member, without acknowledging your own effort. It's important to absorb the satisfaction from your achievements.
Some people believe the world owes them - that they are entitled to "the good life" and all its benefits. They become bitter when setbacks occur and tangible rewards stay out of reach.
We need to ask ourselves - what can I offer others? What can I contribute to my family, my community or the world at large that is in line with my skills and abilities? Sarah Bernhardt, a flamboyant French actress in the late 1800s showed uncommon wisdom when she said, "It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich."
Recognizing our life values, determining how we want to achieve them and taking steps to act on them is self-empowering. When you realize that you are doing what is most important to you, your happiness level shoots right up.
No one likes feeling stuck. It is important to know what you really want and then take some action towards it. Even if progress is slow, you will feel better going in the right direction.
No matter how stressed you are, take a break from your routine to admire the sunrise or share coffee with a friend. It is the moments which make us happiest - yet how many of them slip by unnoticed?
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