How come i have unusual dreams lately. This time its such a sad one. Something bad happened to my dog and I was trying to save it. Doing all the funny surgical procedures. And when i thought i've saved it, it lost conscious with its eyes opened. Devastated, the day crashed on me when I dreamt about that. It made me think that I should treasure my days with her. Although its just a dog, but she is more than just a dog to me. She likes me!
I accomplished soooo much today. Game and work wise, both equally balanced. My tutor for one of the modules finally posted the stupid tutorial. Worst still.... its one of the longest ever!! I took the short cut and approached the tutorial with the questions in mind before reading the materials needed. Usually I would read things with an open mind before looking at the questions. This limits my thoughts on materials read. nevermind that.
After finishing the tutorial, i went to my games for 3 hours. I completed Growlanser! Few days back, i completed my ROTK10. At night, I've started another game called Xenosaga. I was surprised that its by namco rather than squaresoft. I've always thought only squaresoft could come up with such a captivating storyline. Amazing.
In the late afternoon, I wrote summaries for another module for 3 chapters. Bonds and notes payable, and Employee Share Benefits. Tonnes of journal entries. At least i don't need to squeeze myself during my study week liao.
Somehow i'm thinking whether I'm overlooking some things. My friends have been fighting against time for work while me.... working through things normally. I know i need to learn how to relax my mind for the pressing work but its a bit too relaxed? I'm absorbing too much of the genius's character (one of my group member).
How many projects to worry? hmm 4 where 2 are headed by a genius and a power lady. For the 4 projects, 4 reports and 4 presentations. On top of those, 2 short essay, one long essay (individual work), two class presentations. Busy? I donno leh. Theres tutorials too!! And FYP! hmm maybe it seems alot. I don't know.
slice of life
Quit Smoking
If you're a smoker, there's never been a better time to stop. Already leading the charge are the world's most developed cities like New York, which has banned smoking in pubs successfully. According to researchers, smoking will be virtually extinct in Australia within 25 years and more frowned upon than spitting in the street.
And from next July (2006), smoking will be banned in pubs, clubs and food stalls in Singapore except for designated smoking areas. This as part of a nation-wide move to prevent non-smokers from inhaling secondary smoke indoors. Smokers will be confined to small smoking rooms, which I expect will be not-too-pleasant an experience, even for smokers.
Sure, smoking is a personal choice, and as long as you're not blowing smoke into people's faces all the time, you should be allowed the pleasure of your drag if and when you choose. After all, it's your body, and it's your money.
But in less than a year, smoking in public will become so inconvenient and awkward, that maybe it's time you thought about whether it's really worth it to continue smoking. After all, you know you want to quit; the advantages of quitting are just too sensible. It will be tough though, but if you're seriously considering it, here's how you might be successful.
First of all, the day before you quit, throw away all cigarettes, matches, lighters, and ashtrays. Ask family members and friends not to offer you cigarettes or to smoke in front of you. Your goal is to get through that first important smoke-free day.
To quit successfully, you need to know what triggers the desire to smoke in you. Make a list of your personal smoking triggers, and avoid as many as you can. Replace "triggers" with new activities that you don't associate with smoking. If you're feeling tense, try deep breathing to calm yourself.
Keep yourself busy and be as physically active as you can. When you feel the urge to put something in your mouth, have substitutes ready, like vegetable sticks, apple slices, or sugarless gum.
When you're feeling discouraged, remember this - 8 hours after quitting, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. 24 hours after quitting, your chance of a heart attack decreases. 2 weeks to 3 months after quitting, your circulation improves and your lung function increases up to 30%. And just one year after quitting, the excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker's.
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