I'm just so hype now. After the meeting for ES104, I got so excited that I flew home to type out the outline for the project. Yeah, i've done it. A 3 pages outline, single spaced. I can't believe that the project could be that big. Its not something i would expect from an ES module. General perception: slack and easy module. Too bad, wrong. Its project discovery, and so, most of the stuffs are through personal discovery.
I thought I could have more things to....... oh ya. I came up with a new melody for a new piece this morning, just before I wanted to step out of home. Ha, must be some inspiration from someone. Thankz ah. But I'll only start when i'm really free. Now is the time where everything just come crashing in. Its just like the Judo character in the Naruto anime, standing in the middle of the forest without fear even knowing that many darts are coming his way. Poised to use his secret technique to siam all the darts. That is cool! I'm under that situation now.
I hope my group members can help me with a bit of work this week because i'm really crazy with activities coming up. Tomorrow, NUS band rehearsal, sat westwinds performance, sun NUS concert.
I have a presentation tomorrow and I haven't even prepared what I wanted to say. Sigh. I guess I'll do that on my bus ride to school tomorrow. Who want to challenge me? haha. Setting up a study corner in the bus. brrrrrrrrrr
Oh ya, my friend bought me bottled barley!! Thats so nice of him. Thankz alot man!
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