Thursday, October 20, 2005


The news of a country A building up its army...... trying to make it costly for country B to aid country C if A wants to take over C. Clever move? Humanity still hasn't learn from mistakes. War War War. Are they so free? Why not use the money to save Third World countries? Does one always has to aim for power? The worst thing is that, Country A is already so big..... can't they think more? Think think think.

Morning 2 classes. Last tutorial for 311, and another presentation session for 205. The bombing was heavier in 205, and the tutor seems to voice out the disappointments in our projects. Don't know why, I got nothing much to say about the classes. I am getting numb to tutorials. I was so appreciative to my tutors when I was in Yr 1 Sem 1. Now.... I simply can't be bothered. I just wonder how is my participation marks for 311 because I didn't say much during the tutorials. I hope that tutor is nice enough to give us average marks.

半夜睡不着觉, 把心情哼成歌, 只好到屋顶找另一个梦境。 SOrry loh, house no roof top. Carpark can?

Freezing the whole day. I think I could get brain freeze without drinking cold water. Ahhhhh the ultimate "Sensation".

Can someone read my mind? Haa I hope not, cuz its really dangerous and crappy.


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