Hey FYP no more. Well, its time to celebrate. The whole group went for a meal, our first official meal together outside school. Sushi buffet!!! But, sushi will be a taboo for 1 month after that haaa. Took lots of funny photos and my first act cute look since a year ago!! (not that cute anyway).
I was so hyper today that i traumatise everyone with my stupid way of thinking and talking, twisting everything into joke and crazy ideas, putting chinese and hokkien lyrics into band music melodies, jumping and running here and there.
Another fun thing is that, one of the tuba friends in NUS band can play accompaniment on his tuba for whatever things you play. So it became a Eupho-karaoke session, playing all those chinese pop song. In the end, it sounded like we are ready for funeral services (CHOI!!).
Tomorrow still got meeting and lecture, then fly down to NUS loh. Where is lunch time? Argh...
Slice of Life
STORIES - A Friend's Evil Counsel
Once there was a man who beat his wife regularly. One day, after an especially heated argument, he underestimated his own strength and dealt a fatal blow.
Though he'd not intended to kill her, there his wife lay, lifeless, her eyes staring blankly at him.
The man began to panic. His wife had many relatives who visited them often.
In a state of agitation, he ran out of his house and bumped into an old friend.
"Hey! Why are you in such a hurry?" asked his friend.
Because the man trusted this friend, he told him about his predicament.
The friend thought about it for a moment, then with shifty eyes, whispered to him, "Here's what you can do - invite a young man to your house and kill him. Then, behead him and put his head next to your wife's corpse. Then, tell your wife's relatives that you had found them together in bed. Unable to control your anger, you slew them both!"
The man liked the idea and sat at his doorway in anticipation of a young man. After some time, a handsome youth passed by his house. The man invited him inside and beheaded him. T
hen he summoned his wife's relatives and told them about the scandal that never was. The relatives were horrified and saddened, but bought the story.
All was well then for the murderer, but his close friend was not so fortunate? for several days after the heinous lie was told, his son didn't come home. Frantically worried, the friend went to the murderer's house to seek counsel. The wife-beater told him not to worry, that his son was probably out having a good time, then asked his friend with a wicked grin if he'd like to see the dead bodies of the "adulterous" pair.
Not really caring at this point, the friend muttered something inaudible, but was promptly led to the hiding place of the bodies. On seeing the dead man's head, he let out a guttural cry?
It was the head of his handsome young son.
His evil advice had caused the death of his own son. The one who digs a pit for others often falls into it himself.
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