Well Well, days of fyp. Its the first time that I feel that I'm pushing myself for fyp haaa. I guess constant progress makes things easy at the end. Awaiting for the verdict of our tutor on monday.
These few days, I got added on MSN by my primary school students haaa. Well, talking to kids are usually more fun cuz they ask funny questions haa. One thing I found out from reading their msn nicks, girls start to be aware of more emotions earlier than guys. That is one thing confirmed. Does that always mean that guys will always be less emotional than girls? Erm. A low performing company today doesn't mean that it cannot overtake a high performing one in future years (lousy analogy).
I sleep too much today. My nap was 3 hrs loh. from 5 to about 8pm. I nearly blasted because my damn alarm clock failed to wake me up. I guess I got myself to blame. Still managed to finish my 308 tutorial. Eiyo, just anyhow do sia. Don't even understand what I'm writing. Mostly copy from text book and anyhow write.
Sat and sunday. Both days are dedicated to essay typing. SIgh. 2 essays on hand. Really donno how. Actually, looking at available time, I shouldn't have a problem managing those 2 but.... I just sian that there are still things to do. Last 2 projects and I'm off to concentrating on exams. I hate and love exams. Contradictions but whatever. Cuz life is contridicting anyway.
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