Sunday, May 14, 2006


Hey remember that I mentioned about a business idea? Well, I just saw on the news that China already has it but on a slightly different concept from mine. The concept shown on the news is a mobile pub. A bus modified into a pub/disco... Cool. haa. I guess my idea isn't that new afterall.

Oh ya today is mama's day. But mama and papa threw me at home.... So I mapled most of the time... level 20 liao. Another slacky day haaa. Kinda getting used to it. Oh ya, I went for a jog. I need to reduce my butt size now. My working pants was a little tight when i wore it yesterday for the wedding dinner haaa. ops. Ok, jogging everyday until work starts muahha.

I'm really glad to be invited by a bandmate for another gathering. Although I don't really belong to that band but then its nice for them to treat me like family. Haa I may have behaved like a weird guy there but, I guess they got used to it ha. And its SWENSENs!! Ice cream!! Choco!! YUMMY!

Today is sunday right? Da ge Da time!! This time, I can watch it without examination threat going through my mind. MUAHAHAA. Enjoy.

Waiting for the next set of Naruto DvDs to be available. :)

Oh ya, forgotten to mentioned that yesterday, two of my friends and I created a havoc in Suntec Toys r us. Wow!! I didn't know that kids toys can be so fun for old people like me!! haa. We went to a soft toy section and stayed there like half an hr, making stupid story lines and R rated scenes.... Ya. Well, not very R but its damn funny lah. Example, there is this rabbit ears that we can put on our head. We clipped that onto a soft toy and put it on top of a shelf. Its so dumb because that soft toy and the ears don't match!! Another example, there is a soft toy lying on the top shelf with legs out of the shelf, straight. We took a tortise and placed it in between the legs and hang it out of the shelf. I don't know how to describe it properly.... I don't have a pictorial illustration also.... sigh haa. But nvm, you just imagine its the funniest toy story. One uncle looked at us, giving us a weird look. Oh ya, we also saw the ugliest toad that looks like the one in Naruto. Cool!!

I saw nice nice cat soft toy. It looks so innocent and as though it has "bring me home" on its facial expression. Cute!


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