Wednesday, November 17, 2004


A mixed feeling inside again. Its not the first time. Exams over and I am sad and happy. I am happy that all those torturing days are over again. I am sad that I feel empty inside again. Maybe its the "vomiting" effect during exams. We attend school to fill ourselves up to the brim, and pour everything out during exams. I wonder when is human crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Erm Digress haha.

Finally finish the law paper. Felt good after the paper because you won't know whether the things you write is correct or not. But the first thing i found out after the paper is that I missed out part of an answer in a question. I accepted this omission because i know I couldn't think of it during the exam. And everything is finally over. The end of the examination tale. hee

My dog on the menace again. She got Diarrhoea. And this morning, she went to the wrong place to do her big business. The first thing that my mum saw was the mess, terrible mess. When she turned around, getting ready to scold Mei Mei..... guess what. Disappeared. Went into hiding mode hahaa. Dogs can know what will happen when they do the wrong thing. But in the end, she got scolded. After that, my mum asked her," Hows your stomach? Pain pain?"

Oh Oh I got to plan for my holidays already. Lets see...... PS2 games, Westwinds (Name of a Symphonic band), PoiChing Band (I'm an assistant instructor there), Korean show (Winter Sonata), HongKong Series, Composing for a tuba duet (tuba and euphonium), exercise (get ready for next sem). I'll put in more when ideas come to my mind. Hmm not a really empty holiday eh. hee Oh yes! One more, KTV sessions!! haha.

Slice of Life

"Turning Pain into Blessings (Part 1)

At times of emotional pain, do you often hear people telling you that the best thing to do is to get over it and move on? That in order to embrace the future, you have to bury the past?

Well, I'm sure it was well-meant advice, but moving forward from pain takes more than just forgetting and forgiving. Moving forward is learning from your pain, your mistakes and your past to create a better future. It's self-improvement, while moving on, is simply self-preservation.

Simply denying the pain will probably lead to the same mistakes being repeated, the same lies being told, the same cycle of hypocrisy and despair.

There are a few important things to remember if you truly want to move forward from your pain and create a better future.

First, accept that everything in the past happened for a purpose. You can emerge either defeated or stronger from every painful experience. We all have that choice. The person you are today is the result of your past experiences, and in those experiences, no matter how horrible, lies the key to you becoming a better person.
Great gifts do not shine forth brightly under the grime of pain, but they are there. Until you can seek out and embrace the gifts hidden in those times of despair, you'll never be able to fully let go of the negative emotions surrounding them. Suppressing the hurt, denying the pain, simply gives them more power.Join me in the next programme, when I'll share more ways to confront your grief, find the gifts in them, and move forward with faith and conviction."

Some Thoughts

I came up with some wierd thoughts this after during my bus ride home after the exam. I guess we all know that our five sense are, Sight, Smell, Touch, Hearing, and Taste. The question is, if you are to only keep one of the five senses, which one would you want to keep? Or should I say, if one day, you are slowly losing your senses one by one, which one would be the last one you hope to lose.

For me, I would want to keep my sense of hearing. It would be the most precious sense to me. I would want to hear the most beautiful melody of life. It is mostly through hearing that things touch our hearts. The things we hear can shape our thinking, can enhance ideas that we want to bring forward to people. For example, in movies, music plays a big part of the show. It creates intensity, it creates romance, it creates fear, it creates happiness. In an event where all else is gone, a voice from a familiar person can rally one's fighting spirit against terminal illness. I say the greatest thing is our sense of hearing.

One of the greatest musician in history, Beethovan, lost his hearing at his middle age. It is one of the saddest thing for a musician. His angish, his helplessness could be heard in his Moonlight Sonata. I recommend the song to all my friends.

Another day :)


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