Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Hey, a song just went into my favourites chart... guess what it is? Its Xiang2 Ni3 from Stairway to Heaven. I don't know if anyone could feel what I feel just by listening to that song. Its an overflow of emotions haha. But, its not emotions thats looking to the past, its looking forward... FInally!

I only had a lecture from 0930 to 1030 today. Then I had to take a train down to the school to teach band. I look like an uncle with a big file and a big bag. Oh ya, I bought another Anime, a full set hee. I think all the vcds i have now can last me through this semester, hee great.

TOday I came up with a thought of writing something in Chinese, but too bad my comp can't. Its something regarding my thinking. Its just a wierd thinking. I think its pretty private for myself. I shall keep it in myself.

Works killing as usual. One thing, I look like a total nerd. Oh ya!! I have sent a letter together with my concert tickets to my favourite professor. I hope he's coming hee. One big accomplishment that I have made.

I'm getting ill soon... I can feel it.... its coming.... ahhhhhhhhhh haha. Must be all the taxation thingy in my head.

Slice of Life

Building Self Esteem and Confidence

Building self esteem and confidence is a process that involves making changes. And making changes requires time and energy. So the first step towards a healthier sense of self-worth is to improve your energy level.

To do this, make sure that you have a nourishing diet, sleep well, exercise regularly, and make time to relax, enjoy yourself and be with the people you love. Develop a kind of structure or schedule so that these things are built into your daily life. No matter how busy you are, make time for them.

Building self esteem and confidence hinges on breaking old habits and developing new, productive ones. A key habit that needs to be shattered is persistent negative thinking. For some of us, these thoughts are so interwoven into the fabric of our minds that we assume that they are normal - but they are not! Learn how to acknowledge and deal with your inner critic.

Also, stop playing The Blame Game. Stop judging yourself and other people in your life for what has happened to you in the past. Blame serves no purpose other than to breed bitterness and resentment. This wastes a lot of time and energy that you could use in more productive ways. Besides, people do what they think is best at the time, the same way you do. And we all make mistakes.

So learn to forgive yourself and others for past mistakes. Learn how to reconcile, resolve and accept what has happened in the past and know that it has made you a stronger person. Acknowledge your fears and find out what's really behind them. Many of your fears are likely to be groundless; it is the thinking, attitudes and beliefs that cause much of the unnecessary fear. Fear is often a disguise for your lack of belief in yourself and your judgements.

Once you've started making these changes to build your self-esteem, commit to them! Even if you manage to use just one of the examples I've suggested, it will begin to make a difference to your level of self esteem. Know that you have value, regardless of what has happened before.


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