A totally normal day today.
I woke up and had breakfast with my parents in a coffeeshop near my house. It was raining throughout the whole day, and I'm really freezing. My body can't take the coldness. I would still wanna believe that the world is still warm.
I then went home to play gradius 5. I still like the excitement with playing it. Bullets all over, and test my dodging skill. Yes i Completed it again. My final game of the holiday.
Then I went for band prac. Haven't been touching eupho for 1 mth. Somehow I feel that I pitch a bit differently again. Haha its for the good. Somehow after you stop playing for a while, you will find that you changed something, and its for the better. One thing about the concert thats coming. I think its going to be a loud one again.
Details of concert: 6th Feb, 5pm, at VCH. Please come, my friends.
I don't know if i'm going to post tomorrow. I'll see how eh.
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