Went for tax remedial class this morning. A tiring bus ride. I didn't do anything on the bus, so I just slept throughout the journey. The class was a boring one. Maybe its because of the tutor. Somehow, the class just doesn't connect with the tutor.
After the class, I went to Jurong Point to have lunch with my friend, W. After that, its straight home.
I did some school work at home, and went out again. I went for NTU's band concert.
Before that, I meet with my buddy S and Z, and they introduced me to another friend CP. Well, that friend is kind of interesting one. Chatty and friendly. Its worthwhile to know this friend.
Anyway, the concert was an enjoyable one. In the beginning, I thought the band is still the same, but no... they have improved once again. People always asked me why I don't want to join the band since I'm studying in NTU. The answer I gave was that the band's style didn't suit me. Now... I had another answer. I'm not fit to play in such a good band.
They will be going for World Music Competition this coming July, and many friends have asked me to play with them. But,.... now my answer is as clear as water..... I don't deserve to play with them.
The pieces that caught my attention was Pirates of the Carribean and Praise Jeruselum. They are of Cd quality. The balance, articulation, the form and mood, all near perfection. This has created a confusion inside me regarding the concept of balancing the sound of a band. It seems like the conductor has done alot in the sound of the band. Is the British style better compared to American style? I believe theres no answer to this.
Praise Jeruselum, a dynamic piece, was well portrayed by the band. I could really feel it..... I felt it, as though I'm experience something. During the last section of the piece, the intense emotions seemed to flow from the music into my heart. I felt something that i couldn't describe. My mind flow with the music at that point in time. Its intensity and mood pumped my blood and andrenaline rushed throughout my body. It has been such a long time since I felt something like that towards band music. When the whole piece has ended, I have the urge to give them a standing ovation, but I didn't because the cultural environment stopped me. In the end, I gave them the longest and loudest applause that I would give to a band. My greatest appreciation for the band was what I have given.
This gave me a warning thought. It seemed like the Praise Jeruselum Westwind played that time, wasn't as good as what was played by NTU today (sorry to say that). The precision and emotions were the greatest forte of the NTU band. I'm just worried, and I can't do anything. I could only continue to believe in my conductor, Cpt Philip Tng. I hope for the best and I'll do my best.
One final thought, a good band might have star players, but bands with star players doesn't mean its a good band. I'll like to be in the former band rather than the latter. Would all star players please wake up their mind? Including me.
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