Whole day at home. Dull and uninteresting as usual. Work and work like a cow. Most of my work completed but some research things aren't. I just can't figure out a topic to do research on. And on top of all those stress, when i tried to suggest some things for a change in a presentation format. I received a statement says," just compile the slides, and leave the organizing to tuesday. I need to do other things now, sorry." Sigh. Well, then doing too much isn't a good thing. Yup. I should just slack.
Just when I got myself pumping with work, somethings just want to bring me down to a low morale again. Struggling now. Nothing seems to be right these few days. Playing music, communicating with friends, doing work, test grades, project planning, morale, energy.
Time seems to run away from me so quickly. Just when I thought it was only 3pm when i finished all my work and ready to start my research, its already 8pm now where i haven't even find a research topic, or do any planning for my project meeting tomorrow. What has happened to my 5 hours, and I can't remember what has happened during this 5 hrs. Its like blank out. Someone put liquid paper on my memory. I could only remember vaguely that I ate dinner, did some powerpoint slides, read a financial report. But those couldn't take 5 hrs!! Don't tell me i was staring in blank spaces. I really need help.
I better not put my miserable day experience into more worst image. I need to play games. To hell with school work!
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