Monday, April 25, 2005


Paper paper how do i do? A question that I want to ask the paper.

My belief was correct. No matter how much additional time put into studying an open book exam, the benefit of additional study is just so little. I'm glad that I didn't read any notes this morning. I know the importance in analyzing the question, so I listened to alot of band and ochestral music to open my mind up. I got rid of all specific knowledge inside my mind and open up the spaces for thinking. I'm glad I did that. At least today I wrong coherently, better than my previous 2 papers. Can you imagine writting exam scripts using broken english? I think i did that.

Even though I thought that the paper was ok for me, I think it was ok for everyone. So, I have no chance in getting an A. I know myself. My coursework grade is too lousy. A is too far. Hee but I'm contented. At least i know I wouldn't fall further than a B. Its a confirm B grade for me. My predictions won't be wrong. I hope.

2 more papers left. I shouldn't waste my chance for Tax paper. I think my course work is the best for Tax. The other paper is IT. I hope my complecency won't kill me. I can't believe I'm getting the kick for Law subjects haha. Sue me!! haha

Slice of life

Feel Good About Your Life

Feeling good about your life involves just two parts. Really! One is to learn to think about yourself in healthy ways. This is a learned skill, not something that a lucky few were born with. The second involves "making things happen". Seeing yourself being successful - at anything! - builds the blocks of contentment.

Use these ideas to help you feel good about your life, starting today.

Never stop questioning. Every time you feel frustrated with a task, ask yourself, "How does this task fit in with my ultimate goals?" Are your current priorities maximizing your potential or holding you back? Ask yourself "How can I do this better, faster, easier, simpler, and even more fun?"

Don't give up on life. Be interested and curious about yourself and about others. Don't assume that's "just the way it is". Look for the choices behind your results.

Accept your weakness. Don't deceive yourself by thinking you're the only one with difficulties in their life. Everybody has them (yes, everybody!). Instead of spending your time and energy trying to "overcome" your weakness, make friends with it and make it work for you.

Don't stop learning. The brain is a muscle just like any other, and it will stagnate if you let it. Make it your rule to learn something new every day. Then use what you learn to make your life better.

Don't lie to yourself. Telling lies to yourself is the most harmful form of disrespect. Write out ways in which you are untruthful to yourself, and how to correct it. "I will no longer pretend that overspending my budget is ok".

Nurture what you want to grow. Many many people are (figuratively) wondering where the roses are in their life, yet they spend all their time planting and nourishing weeds. You reap what you sow. That's just the way it is.

Don't live in the past. Let go of things that are draining you. There's nothing in the past that you can change or correct -- that can only be done in the present. Use Today. Today, change what you need to change, and move on to feeling good about your life.

Swim with the current. Don't waste your time complaining about what you can't control (weather, other people, economy). Concentrate on what you can control, like who you hug, what you read, how much you laugh, where you go, what you do, what you think about.


Blogger Leapforjoy said...

no like law subjects? no wonder ur name is LAWrence

10:54 PM  

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