Saturday, December 10, 2005


I could still remember the tragedy yesterday. 好狼狈哦!And the sleeping experience yesterday was super! Lie on bed and blackout. No feeling of being alive. Its a unusual kind of feeling of sleeping, one that I don't experience normally. And I was awake at 5 am, realizing that i was suppose to check my hp. I quickly took it up and saw, phew.

Other than the expected msgs, there is another.... who I didn't thought would send me a msg. Well, I was worried for you too actually. You gotta protect yourself you know. I was not the only one worried actually. So please take care of yourself. I guess that big bro(someone) would have been worrying for ya too.

After that 5am, I started to dream while sleeping. Can't remember what were the dreams but I woke up at 9am. I'm surprise.... no headaches. Cool. But tummy wierd wierd haa. A big health sacrifice just for this experiment, a personal experiment.

Actually, I drank so much not because I am facing any big emotional problems or what.... perhaps its just the small part of the reason. The main part is for me to test out my limit and to test how true it is when one does stupid things and he/she attributed it to being drunk. Thus, 2 hypothesis. 1) There is no limit to how much i can drink before blacking out, 2) Drinking alot will not make you lose your mind.

Results of the tests

1) I can drink as much as I wan and won't blackout. Addition findings is that, one should not drink too quickly because your tummy will not be able to take it and you'll start throwing up after a while (drink slowly = you'll be ok). The process of the test will be elaborated in the next few paragraphs.

2) No matter how much I drink, I will still be able to remain a clear mind and speak in a coherent manner. But that excludes the possibility that I'll sing, which I did during the journey back. I was surprised that I could sing in tune at a close to 90% probability. I can't remember what I sang though, was an impromtu one. Nice? haa, I couldn't end the song with a proper cadence haaa, cuz I kept going on and on and on with the melody. Ops.

Process of tests

Whats up man, haaa I started with 2 shots of ???? (taste like volka, or perhaps tequila?). Eiyo, quite diluted haaa. Most prob the bartenders doesn't wan us to faint after the shots. The shots in Kbox are much stronger haa. Then it was 2 cups of coke volka, and 2 more cups, 1 pint of beer (god knows what beer is that, eeks hate it). When it was nearing going back, I was the only one at the table.... guess what. There were so many left over drinks... haa i think my friends would find it wierd that their drinks were gone after they came back. I got them all into my stomach. Well, there were a cup of wierd tasting one (I never drink that before), another pint of beer, somemore volka coke. I think thats how I messed up myself nicely. Was that my limit? I don't know.

I guess the last set of drinks were the culprit that upset my tummy. And.... I'm still upset that I dirtied my friend's car. Damn. And worst still, its my first time seeing that friend loh. It will be as comical as the following dialogues.

Me: はじめまして、よるしく。 ぼくの名前わ WeiQiangです。 (First time seeing ya, 多多指教。my name is weiqiang)
Me: すみません。車、かわいですね。 でも。。 (my apologies. The car is really cute. But....)

Somehow or rather, I was causing a great danger to the cars that were behind us (expressway.... so...). I think I should describe the scene anymore, cuz its quite groossss. Luckily nothing bad happened, or else I'll really be a great sinner. Well, help me say sorry to the car as well. Cute cars should receive such treatment.

My activities today... games loh. about 6 hrs of games, going into a world of heros and evil doers. Then I went jogging also. Just in case my belly come out after the drink.

Tomorrow is a day of.... alot of chatting! Somehow I just wonder, did I make friends with angels? Maybe I should sing my friend, Junyang's song, Guardian Angels. Haa.

Slice of Life

Making Changes Happen

Everywhere you go, you hear people talk about the changes they want to make in their lives.

"I want to lose weight."

"I want a better job."

"I want to make more money."

"I want to make a film."

"I want to write a book".

Maybe for you, it's to travel round the world, to get higher education, or improving a current relationship. We all have goals and changes we want to make and we talk a lot about wanting them, but how many of us really do something?

Sometimes, the talking turns into complaining. Because we accumulate so many wants, but never go about resolving them, we begin to feel dissatisfied. We start to make up excuses why success is not possible. Is it time? Is it money? It's family then, isn't it? We begin to blame other people, we blame events, we blame bad luck, and sometimes we blame ourselves. At the end of the day, this builds up into a massive store of regret.

Besides, these reasons are mostly inventions of fear and laziness. If you look at your excuses critically, how many of them are genuine? People who feel stuck are always saying "I can't afford an hour's workout a day!", or "I'm too forgetful!", or "I'm not a business person!". Basically, this is an admission of one's lack of control over one's life.

If someone gave you a million dollars to run on the treadmill for 20 minutes a day, could you do it? How great is your desire to have a better physique? How much is that worth? Very often, it's not because we can't, it's because we haven't found the motivation.

With the right motivation (and it doesn't have to be money), you can change and create winning actions in your life. You are not locked into any behaviour. Stop placing limits on yourself and talking about the reasons why you can't make changes happen. Nothing defines you except you yourself. Do you really need that extra cup of coffee? Or that extra mug of beer? What about your quota of three cigarettes a day? Or that new mobile phone? What's really stopping you from being more loving to your partner? Is the romance really fading? Or are you giving more priority to other areas?

Take back your own power and decide to get into action to achieve the results you want.


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