Monday, December 05, 2005


Work work work. Stayed in office the whole day. So whats up with work? The whole day, sit at the desk, flipping through a financial statement, comparing it with the past year financial statement, and make sure the numbers are correct. Difficulty? This yr, they are using $'000, so have to detect the rounding errors. Second, must make sure all casting are correct. Difficulty? Items that has many line items will tend to have funny numbers because after all the rounding differences are added, numbers go haywire, and cannot tie to the other sections of the financial statements.

The manager didn't teach me the technique how to do it, so i have to design my own method. Think thats easy? Think again. Which numbers have the main criteria? Which numbers should have the priority? So my method: 1)ensure the numbers in the notes to accounts are rounded correctly, and casting are correct. 2) ensure numbers in the Income statements are correct. If numbers are gathered from the notes to accounts, then make sure they tie. 3) consolidated statements of changes in equity must be correct, after taking the updated net profit. 4) Ensure cash flow statement numbers tie with all notes. 5) Lastly, all updated numbers must go into the balance sheet. Outcome....... Balance sheet cannot balance. Eiyo, which numbers should I twig???? I asked my friend:" Is 1k material to this company?" She said:" no"

Anyway, i left the unbalanced accounts to the manager (its $2k apart). He seems a bit unhappy with the person who requested him to do it. haaa, he said, leave it to that person to solve it. Hmm, so my task ended so late loh. Most of the people left the office already loh, and the aircon stopped its operation too. Machines can stop operation, how abt humans? Eiyo, how come this kind of thing do for so many hours? Not that difficult what. Is this discovery learning? More time spent on thinking and speculating on method to use. Anyone has better method?

Hey i've discovered that I can reach the office by bus!! straight bus from my "doorstep". And its just 35mins ride. I can finally study my jap liao!! yeah. MRT doesn't allow me to read loh. haa. I love the bus. (If I miss the bus.... will another bus come? Should I hop onto the bus?)

Hey Hey, I didn't know I could find someone who know me so well haa. Seems like can chat one woh. Work isn't boring anymore? haa. Yeah.

Oh i forgotten to mention, I finally finish watching 大长今. Come to think of it, its a really nice show. With a good ending. After the whole show, I was like sitting there and trying to recall what those people have gone through. Its always the ending that would leave the ever lasting taste. I just love this kind of show, although I thought the beginning was a little boring to me. More korean dramas are up in the market, but then i just don't seem to have the desire to buy more. Sigh. Wait till I have the need to feel human then i'll get bah.


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