Thursday, December 01, 2005


I'm mostly alone during work. Taking care of so many yet so little things. So many because there are so many different task to be done. So little because when I see the whole Engagement file, there are sooooo many difficult tasks to be done. I wonder how did they finish them during the 2 weeks. Its alot of 205 stuffs!! Process analysis, risk identification, testing, assertions, meetings and many many more! I wonder when will be the day where I would find all these tasks easy.

Today, I approached even more people. Made phone calls to people who i've never seen before. Everytime before i call, i will rehearse what i have to say over and over again. My heart will beat so fast loh. But its nice to hear the nice voices over the phones. They were friendly. I wonder if its just normal for them to sound friendly even though they aren't. Anyway, they don't know I'm just a trainee haaa, so they might have thought i am some big shot or what. Its good being a high ranking person isn't it? Hmm what does power mean to me? I guess it means that there is a lower possibility that one would treat you like a shit. (what will happen if i have told them that "Hi, I am a trainee from this X company......")

I've been reporting alot to my team IC haaa, feel so attached to the team liao, and what I've done really makes a difference to the completion rate of the engagement. Cool sia haa. I think he might find me a pest la, cuz even though he was busy, i still looked for him. He was nice enough to still smile at me.

I'm really grateful to the person who always helped me at the client's place. haaa going to email her to thank her after the whole thing. I'm such a pest.

Ah, today is 1st DEc!! tomorrow is someone's birthday loh, but she disappeared haa. Anyway if you are reading this, i'm gonna send the email at night ah. Stay tuned!.

Slice of Life

Taking Out the Trash

In order to maintain a clean, comfortable home, we regular clear out the garbage. Our liver and kidneys function pretty much in the same way as well to keep our bodies in good health. Natural law dictates that in order for something to perform at its most efficient, any clutter, excess, rubbish or accumulated toxins must be frequently removed.

It's no different with our mental health. Our minds can accrue lots of "stuff" that's useless and takes up valuable space, or worse, things that harass our peace of mind and suck our energy. This personal garbage is the result of the wear and tear of modern life. It's that ugly, smelly gunk that holds us back from experiencing joy and meaning. It's what we find when we want a quick fix, an easy path to fulfilment, or a scapegoat for disappointment.

Personal garbage festers in our ego, in the demands of others, in the negativity that surrounds us, in just turning on the tv and watching mindlessly to whatever's on, in deciding to live life without intention, in forgetting to hear our voice, losing our authenticity, in getting too busy and too distracted to listen to our heart.

People and incidents can throw garbage in our faces, but we have the personal power to start each day by taking our garbage out. Learn to begin again each morning, to jumpstart your self-esteem, your personal energy, your love, and your genius by getting rid of your personal baggage.

How do we do this?

1. Decide to let go of what you cannot change. Choose simply to embrace what you can do today to bring more love and more satisfaction into your life.

2. Decide to get happy. Force yourself to smile, to laugh. Get that injection of oxygen into your blood! Embrace humour as a way of life. Don't deny or suppress your inner child; let it teach you how to see the world in a fun, positive light again.

3. Take back the responsibility for your own joy. When you do this, you stop blaming and bearing grudges. You begin to feel in control of your life. You understand that when you take charge of your own joy, you really can achieve happiness, and no one can make you upset against your will.

4. Embrace a human moment, a higher moment, and give something away. Move out of your personal realm and help someone else. Give your time, your encouragement, your money, your hug, your smile.

Keep your mental state in the pink of health by taking out the trash everyday.


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