Sunday, April 16, 2006


Rainy days. Cool weather. Sleep inducing.

Yesterday, when I saw the exam paper for my GE, I nearly fell off my chair. Its so...... Everyone is going to get high marks!! How to get good grades like that? Moderation until siao. I think if those super people see it, they will laugh until their heads drop and spin on the ground. Nvm, I'll fight for it. Don't think accountants cannot do business stuffs hmph!! haaa. I'm crazy again

I think I'm trying to turn myself into a twig again. Exercise too much = skinny branch. I have been jogging for 3 consecutive days liao. All at 3pm. haa Weather was super good. I think I'm preparing myself for the last paper celebration at a buffet. I can't wait for that day to come!!! Going out with kakees!! haa. And go Singing too!!!

Its 6.10pm now, so cold and hungry.... parents threw me at home!! Well, I'm lazy to go out haaa. Actually I wasted 2 hrs shouting at home (shouting is a more realistic word for singing). Sinful sinful. Now full of the sinful feeling. And when my friend asked me a question about school work, I gave the wrong answer!! Supposed to be my favourite topic but.... so sad with myself.... sob sob haa. Reminds me that I need to revise liao. Must thank that friend also!!

2 more days of revision for my GE. But I bet I'll be able to finish it tomorrow cuz... "this one won't come out one, throw aside", " that one won't come out, throw aside". I have thrown about 5 chapters out of the window already. Fun loh. Can I do it for my core also? Hmm, maybe for 312 haaa.

Oh ya, I saw Mentor Minister on TV. I just feel so inspired when I hear him talk. I think he can be my idol liao. Cool.

As for exam, I just saw all the exam papers. Scan through. And I totally think that there is no point studying for 304. When I look at the paper, I have this please-give-up idea. THe paper is signalling to me to give up!! And when I recall that there are people who already have been in audit job for a couple of years made me feel even worst. I don't have the opportunity to work as an auditor to give me that experience to help me in the exam. I just find this such an uneven playing ground. Damn it. At least 306 and 312 looks friendlier, cuz less wordy. THE WORLD IS UNFAIR!! Some people just sail through life while I have to fight like siao. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!

(I'm seeing a wierd trend. When people don't believe what I say, what I say would turn out true. Wierd)


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