I think everyone is going to do well for 306!! Jia lad, the lecturers have given so big clues and taught so much today. I have no more comparative advantage liao. Sob sob. I don't think anyone understand that marks are moderated according to the distribution curve of marks acquired by students. Raw marks are adjusted according to the mean and variance.... so..... it might take 90 marks for one to get A. And.... thats horror to me. Why am I bothered? Sigh, I should just forget it and just relax and enjoy the paper. I don't have to fight with people for bank jobs anyway cuz I LOVE AUDIT!! (I'm the only one who says that I think)
I believe we shouldn't waste talents. Audit = second class jobs as compared to bank jobs? Well, I do believe that super people should go banks and leave those audit jobs to people like me!! I shall rock the audit world.... not in the -ve way (hope you don't see me in newspaper in years to come). Or maybe not? 3 years and I'm sick of it? I don't know. I find audit exciting (who agrees with me?).
Someone will soon get sick of reading my blog haaa.
Oh yes, my intuition worked today. I knew my friend would be on that bus, so I ran for the bus. At least the journey wasn't dry.... for 15 mins. Then it was another dry journey back. But I really enjoy listening to radio, looking at clouds, seeing the trees moving back, and falling into sleep after a while without pushing myself to read something during the journey. I would call it a "free journey". No pressure to read.
A short holiday for myself today. Self award lah. Why? Buay song? Beat me lah! muahhaa. I'm crazy, ignore me.
I'm back at 8.30pm. I just can't stop myself from composing. I've completed the new piece called Emptiness. It attempts to portray a sense of losing one's orientation in life. Here is the interpretation.
Opening: A slight feeling of frustration inside, but yet a sense of losing one's direction. Turning around in dark space without knowing where the way out is.
1st Theme: If you hear the percussion clearly, you can a Clock-like sound going "tick, tick, tick." This is to portray the time element in this piece. People live in this world with limited time. When one gets lost, when one doesn't know where to proceeds, time still moves. Some people spins round in circles, never proceed forward. Without aims and without targets, life is just meaningless. Yet, time doesn't give chances to those without aims.
2nd Theme (when another instrument comes in as melody): Time still "ticks", no matter what aims you have for life, everyone is just taking different paths. Pick yourself up and proceed on. Even if you are aiming for a simple life, its still an aim, nothing wrong with that.
3rd Theme (reiterating notes): when you are lost, sometimes its good to wait and ponder. But if you take too long, life gets wasted...
Closing: At the end of the day, when time is up, we all go to the same place. No matter what life you experience, be it powerful, wealthy, poor, sad, at the end, our lives end and what goes on is the "ticking" of the time. Thats why you hear the "tick" at the end.
Hope you enjoyed it.... Once again, time waits for no man. Do what you think its right. There are no perfect routes.... life goes on, until the end of time.... but time never ends.... (I'm confused)
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