Monday, December 20, 2004


The first thing i did in the morning was to take a long bus to HarbourFront to collect the freebies for my camera. It has been a month since i last sat in the bus for soooo long. Its kinda fun haha. After the collection, I went to walk in the Shopping complex for a while. I was searching for a place that has Dim Sum buffet. Can't find eh. I wonder where it could be. My parents wanted to have that buffet. Anyone has any recommendation?

So i went back. Settled the booking of a free photographing training session provided by canon hee. Had to call that place because my online booking cock up. What to do?

I watched "Crazy First Love" in the afternoon. Finally can watch it, because summer scent is over. It does spoil her image hahaa. Greatly. Anyway, its really an NC16 hahaa. I remember last time I wanted to watch with this disciple of mine. We were at the ticket booth but.... we didn't get to watch the show. I guess you can figure out why yourself. I laughed until my head nearly dropped onto the floor. There is this big joke about men's testosterone level. You'll know when you watch it yourself. Not a bad show, but not as good as Windstruck.

After that, its Philharmonic Winds' concert. Timothy Reynish conducted the band. He is one of the most prominent person in the Wind band scene. The band sound is just soooo soothing. Its my type of style. I heard the conductor went to the band and told them off that they sound like American Band haha. No offense to the American bands but perhaps this conductor likes a more european style. The precision is there, but i thought the articulation can be done a bit deliberatly because Esplanade concert hall just muffles everything. What I heard was nice sound chords and harmony. Nearly put me into sleep. Haha. But the Trumpet and Clarinet Solo pieces were very well done. Superb showmanship.

Saw alot of familar faces in the hall too. Ms Dorean Tan, one of my sec school conductor, sat just behind me. I haven't seen her for such a long time. Still and energetic and cheerful as ever. She was the one who allowed me to play the Euphonium. Thank her alot. :)

I should cut my hair soon. Too long.

Oh ya, saw my disciple after the concert. Whats up with the red face eh hahaa. I still owe you ice cream hor. Please claim before 31 dec haha. Time expires ah.

Today theres 2 slice of life haha, enjoy

Slice of Life 17 dec

Designing a Life You Need

Do you have pre-requisites you set up for yourself, things that have to happen first before you'll be happy? For many of us, it's a way of life. We live always in expectation of that next big thing that's going to make it all complete. The diploma. The marriage. That newbig job.

Remember that first paycheck in your first "real" job? It seemed like so much money! How long did it take before that same check, newly strained by the rent on the bigger apartment, that car payment, or your new lifestyle, all of a sudden didn't look so big? If you're like most of us, not long, and suddenly, you found yourself thinking, when I make more money, then things will be really great.

It's really easy to get caught up in not having enough when you focus on externals. Someone once said "You can never get enoughof what you don't really need."

It's the perfect explanation for people who must always have the latest gadget, or just another pair of shoes, or the biggest house. Why can that need never be satisfied? If your life is focused on fulfilling these so-called "needs", then you'll never be really happy.

The next time you think you "need" something, think about why you need it. And think about how you will feel when you get it. How long does the pleasure last? For example, the latest gadget that has everything in it, 80% of which you will probably never use more than once. What else can you do with the money that will bring you more satisfaction? More joy that lasts? Nurturing a relationship perhaps? Buying gifts for your loved ones? You must understand what drives you to be liberated from it and to start to design your life to fit your needs. Learning to identify your true wants and desires will make you much more effective in achieving your goals and in setting up a life that works for you.

Slice of Life 20 dec

Conversing or Merely Talking?

There's a saying that goes "One of the most boring things in the world is ME deep in conversation".
Nobody likes a conversation-hogger, not even if the self-styled "monologue artist" is an interesting and knowledgeable person. No matter how engaging he or she may be at first, the smiles and nods quickly turn into blank faces and efforts to keep from yawning.

People like to share, yes, especially when it comes to their own experiences and interests. But people also like people who allow them to share. And who listen to them.

The next time you enter into discourse with someone or a group of people, check yourself to see if you often feel the need to cut into a person's speech with your views on the topic. Do you tend to go on prattling without allowing the other person to contribute his or her fair share? Do you engage in conversation or do you simply talk?

You may have a lot of information. You may even be an expert on the subject. But unless you're a lecturer or a speaker at a seminar, YOU droning on about YOURSELF simply doesn't make meaningful conversation. The dynamic is lost. You might as well be talking to a mirror.

It can be hard sometimes, I know, when you're just bursting with information. And it can be difficult to admit that you sometimes don't have an answer. But the danger in simply talking is that you may engage the mouth before putting the brain in gear. I've said lots of dumb things because I didn't think before I spoke.

Unfortunately, this may not only involve statements that are dumb, but sometimes statements that are also harmful. And, yet, though the right thing to do in such cases is to apologize, such does not change the fact we said it. This being the case, we'll never regret being slow to speak.

Nor will we regret those occasions when we had nothing to say and just kept quiet. There are folks who bring to mind the story of the man who was suing for divorce. The judge asked why. "Because she talks too much," was the reply. "What does she talk about?" the judge asked. "That's just it," the husband answered. "She never says." Silence truly can be golden.

It's also a good idea to be silent when one doesn't have a proper answer. Or, better yet, a person might just say, "I don't know." No one has all the answers.

So try to converse more, rather than just talking. As someone once put it, "Merely talking is about as far from communicating as merely not talking is from actually listening".


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