Thursday, February 24, 2005


Finally that module is over. 4 days of non stop crashing that course haha. Its time for me to enjoy the holidays.... errrrr maybe hee. There are a number of things that i want to do. Watch A moment to remember (korean show), Watch Ray (another movie), have a drink on Sat night (so that i can watch soccer at the same time). Oh ya, cut my hair. Its poking my eye until i cannot even jog properly. Slanting skills in jogging. People might think that i jog after i drink. Come to think of it, I'm improving on my drinking skills, though still so lousy.

My jogging skill is coming back too! Whats the most important thing for jogging? Regular breathing pace, lungs capacity, and feet landing posture. Use your mouth to breathe! haha. I have no problem with mouth breathing because i play the EUPHONIUM, and I'm proud of it. It will always be my wife no matter what. What does it take to play good music? Mind, body and soul.

Hmm side track a bit before i go back to talk about playing music haha. What is the most important thing between couples? 5 Cs? Communication, Committment, Concern, Confidence, Confession. Therefore, applying this to music playing, its about the 5 Cs too. You gotta communication with the instrument, have committment to keep the instrument company every week, show concern in the well being of the instrument, have confidence that the instrument would not fail you when you need it to perform with you, and confess to it for your laziness if you lack practice. Why am I saying this? I'm just typing about whatever that comes out from my mind.

Ah today's presentation, haha I didn't feel very very nervous. I guess its because that I am familiar with the audience, they were a friendly bunch of people. Like what i told my friend, A, I could only present factual and informative stuffs. That means I am lousy in being a humourous presenter. Its my natural behavior haha. I guess its good that i keep my presentation style that way because its not good to have a happy-go-lucky accountant eh? haha. BUt.... when I'm with friends, I'm just so forgetful and oblivious to obvious things that makes me to look like a joke myself haha. I enjoy that, cuz i like people to laugh, make them laugh, doesn't matter if they are laughing at me. I'll laugh with them.

The sky rain heavily for the first time in 3 weeks? And I happen to be in the rain while jogging. I always think that nature trys to communicate with me through different ways. Could this be one too? It happens that I'll be watching that Korean show and I might rain... high possibility. "Just let go"... is that what the sky is saying? Music is a form of human expression. It is the kind of expression for me. I would hear what kind of feel that show can give me through its music hee.

Today's slice of life is very meaningful, it seems to tell me more things. And I hope it is the same for my readers too.

Slice of Life

Relationships and Self Esteem (Part 1)

What attracts a human being to another, and what makes a relationship work?

I realised that the key was a healthy sense of self worth. Animals are driven by instinct, primal desire and the need for survival. A beast is seldom defeated by how "ugly" it thinks it looks? if at all. It simply accentuates its strengths. But when it comes to humans, it gets trickier. We ignore our strengths and dwell on our weaknesses.

If you have low self esteem, you tend to believe that most people are more attractive than you, and that there's nothing you can do to improve your appearance. As a result, you don't bother about grooming, your wardrobe is drab and ten years old, you walk around with a perpetual scowl, and you probably always say negative things about yourself to other people. This has a self-fulfilling effect. You essentially become the unpleasant and unsightly person you perceive yourself to be.

On the other hand, a little attention to your hair, your clothes, your demeanour and how you carry yourself could dramatically lift your self-image and how others perceive you. This may come across as shallow, but we can't deny that we live in a very visual world. An audio/visual world, I might add. What we see and what we tell ourselves and others has a very profound impact on our reality. A little vanity never hurt anyone; and who says an appealing physical presence is not healthy? A trim body is also probably a healthy one. Good grooming also means good hygiene. A cheerful manner opens up opportunities for meaningful friendships. And good posture could save you a lot of back problems later in life.

If you think you're unpleasant-looking, do something about it! There are perfectly healthy ways to improve your looks. And while enhancing your body, don't forget your mind and soul. Absorb knowledge! Take up a course, pick up a sport, read, travel, cook! Volunteer your services to charity. Meaningful activities also often take place in environments where meaningful relationships can blossom.

We sometimes assume that most people are superficial and materialistic - that they tend to value looks, physique, charisma, intelligence, wealth and social status more than love, talent, honesty, sincerity, compassion and simplicity. Because of this, we try to present a version of ourselves that we feel fits into the mould of the perfect partner. In other words, we suppress our true selves in order to impress. The fact is, people are most attracted to people who are comfortable with who they are. So be yourself on dates. You'll be surprised at how many people will be delighted at how refreshingly real and candid you are.

In the next programme, let's look at how self esteem has a huge role to play in forging healthy, mutually-beneficial and loving relationships.


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