Why do I always fall sick so easily? Its only that people cough and sneeze on the buses. I can't even defend myself against those little actions done by others. I know its coming. Tomorrow I'll get the full effects. Sian sian. CAn't even enjoy the little holiday.
The main thing today, Westwind. I starting to get sick playing there. People's mind there just couldn't think of making good music. I hear phrases like," wa loud, shiok". This is really irritating. One important advice to all my friends, including non bandmembers. Don't let certificates get into your mind. It doesn't mean that you are always correct even when you are sooooooo qualified. Everyone can learn from everyone. Even me, I'm learning from Primary school kids. There are things that they say or do that makes me think," so, this can be done in this way." You will be amazed by how much kids can teach you.
Whatever in life, theres always many ways to do a thing. And its important to see the different perspective of things. Sticking to one side just allows you to be better and stronger in the thought for that area. What about other areas? What about other ideas? Can you combine them to make a new idea?
I'm really getting sick of the way some people think about playing music there. And... why must the percussion be so loud?? And, even if we have just gotten into a new room with new acoustics, musicians should adopt and adjust their playing immediately. Whats the point of going in and play your lungs out and hurt your ears? I'm really disappointed with the way music schools examine the candidates. You can get certificates easily by putting time and just asking a tutor to guide you. But how about the thinking of music? How about the humble heart inside? How about the test whether the person can play in an ensemble? Disappointed. They could have one test that test whether a person is a grade X musician in ensemble or not. And seperated another one for solo playing.
Now my ears are painful, my throat is sore. I'm mostly going to go off from Westwind after this important concert.... if this concert flops. Well, someone will be coming in to take over me too. My partner in WW found someone who wants to come in. Then.... let that band play the loudest they want. I'm not going to bother. Not going to risk my health and mind sufferring playing there. Well, i guess that person will be happy about my departure.
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