Today's revision hightens my fear for 312 exam. The first few lectures are just killer + the exam questions requires much research..... so how are we going to answer them during exam? How about everyone got a laptop and internet connection in exam hall. Since its open book, why not?? (Am I coming up with wierd ideas again? Maybe if I become education minister one day, i can suggest that.... ops dream)
Oh, I'm started to get crazy with tongue twisters. How about this? 怪人说人怪,见怪不怪,不怪说怪,真奇怪! Ok its a lousy one haa.
I still have 1 more piece half done. I think I started that piece like half a year ago and didn't have time to continue. Its a fanfare... a lousy one. I think I going to treat it as a failed try haa. I need to get a new style for my music cuz everything starting to sound the same. This is my 11th compositions already and I think my brain keeps turning around this kind of hokkien sound.... eeks. Don't want!! Don't force me to compose a piece with classical style. Symmetrical phrasing, cadence ending for phrases, simple and straight forward rhythmns... sonata forms? How about Baroque? Ritonallo form? Can't remember my GV01 module haa. My idol is Beethovan!! A mix of calmness and agitation.
Tomorrow got school!! Another self declared holiday for myself. My last chance to bully that tutor haaa. See what i can do tomorrow!! haa. I didn't plan anything but I'll try to be a menace tomorrow. Bwahahahaa.
I haven't been touching my PS2 for 2 days and I'm starting to miss it already. However, I've been touching my guitar everyday for 1 week already but I can't play anything decent haa. My Hidamari no Uta sounds like Kalamari dio ChaoDa (Squid gets burnt).
My first paper is next week, exactly. Can't be bothered. I'm only worried for my core..... so worried. I'm really worried, not those "oh I'm worried" (but i know I'll do well kind). I think there are people out there who are like that. Freaks, they are bastards haa. Don't like those people. BLEAH!!!! (oh no!! the pikachu diesease!!)
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