Less than 1 week to start of nightmare. I shall more the nightmare for the nightmare. Anyway, today is the last seminar for my Uni life. Its really a cool feeling. No more lessons!! No more chance to traumatise the tutors.... ops.
Lessons really ended too early. So my buddy and I went to walk JP. My last time to walk there? Hmm, don't know. Its a nice shopping mall. I love walking around haa, especially shopping malls. No wonder I want to focus on the retailing sector when I do my audit haa. Although its not a high prospect sector for audit work, but I don't care, as long as I like it. Auditing bank is so............... *sleep*
At times, I do have an urge to sms people but I contained that urge and didn't do it. Maybe the thoughts can fly to the receipient through electro-cosmic waves from the brains... hmm just a wierd thought. haaa. Anyone sneezed?
Today's thought
When you walk into a shop, and you see something you like. No matter how much you love it, you still doesn't own it if you don't make that effort to pick it up and pay it at the counter. Sometimes, when you are too slow, that item gets picked up by another person and that could be the last one there.
However, before you buy it, have you thought about whether you need that item or not? Did you buy it on impulse? Was it just a temporary feeling towards that item? Did you buy that item because that item makes you happy? Did you buy that item because it can help you in your work and makes your life easier? Or, did you buy it because everyone has it??
Is there a need to have a known reason before you buy that item? If you really love that item on first sight, do you need to consider how much that item can benefit you before you buy it?
If you know that the item doesn't benefit you much now, would you still buy it? How would you know that the benefit doesn't come much later? You might start to love that item later?
Is it important to love that item before you buy it, or to love that item after you buy it? Are there any difference?
Do you love the item you buy or buy the item you love?
If the item seems to have lost its value, or became broken, would you discard it and buy a new one? Or if you realise you didn't like it as much as the first time you saw it, would you discard it immediately?
If the item has no problem, but another item that you perceived (this word is important because alot of times, its only perception) to have better functions, better quality, and better appeal to you, would you discard the old item?
I don't have answers to the questions above because different people answers them differently, and there is nothing wrong to all the answers people give because it is how people behaves. I also can't say which type of answers are better. But by answering those questions, you will know more about yourself. And by putting yourself into those situations above, you will know about how you look at relationships. I came up with this myself haaa, so its not professional qualified. Don't sue me if things aren't accurate. Cheers!
Now is 9.25pm. I can't help it but to come and to curse and swear about some of the articles in 312. DAMN FISH ASS SON OF THE SUBMARINE, CAN'T ACADEMICS WRITE ARTICLES IN SIMPLE ENGLISH???? TURN AND TURN JUST TO SAY ONE STUPID POINT. AND WHY GIVE SO MANY ARTICLES FOR JUST 3 PUNY LECTURES?!!!!?? DAMN. I'm a korea economic development expert now.... which I don't think will come out for exam.... why am I studying it???? FISHING DIRT!
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